Meeting the Militia: KENJI

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Kenji Akairo stood on the run-down stoop of an old ranch house on the outskirts of Redmonton, Montana. He lifts his hand up and knocks hesitantly on the door. An older gentleman with sun-bronzed skin, wrinkles that made his jaw droop, and a pout answers the door.

"Who you lookin' for, feller?" The gentleman asks, looking Kenji up and down. Kenji tugs on the bottom of his t-shirt and looks over the man's shoulders. He sees a group of about twenty men and a couple of women, one holding a toddler in her arms.

"I was told that this is where the militia meets at." Kenji replies in a polite voice.

The old man nodded. "Yeah, and who are you?"

Kenji holds out his hand to the old man. "I'm Kenji. I'm interested in joining the good fight."

"What is it to you?" The old man snarls.

"Look, Mister. I was part of the Red Men. I want out. The only way they will let me out willingly is through a wooden box. I don't really want to go out that way. I figure I can be of some assistance to you, if you can protect me."

"And why should we protect you?"

"I'm just a low-level gang member, but I will give you all of the information that I have on the Red Men." Kenji looks at the man impatiently. He looks back over his shoulder as if he's looking to make sure nobody followed him. The old man also looks around the property before opening the door a little wider.

"Come on in. Hurry up, kid, before someone sees you. Nobody is supposed to know about this place, so how did you find it?" Clayton looks the young man up and down suspiciously.

"One of the other militia members in town told me where I could find you." Kenji says, as he steps inside the old ranch style home. Every board creaks under his feet. The members of the militia look up when Kenji walks in the door. The room goes silent as the stranger appears before them. Everyone is glancing around each other in confusion.

"Who is that?" An elderly woman whispers loudly to the man beside her. The man shrugs his shoulders looking just as confused as she does.

"Who do we have here, Clayton?" A younger man, not much younger than Kenji, asks as he stops in front of the stranger.

"Says his name is Kenji." Clayton answers with a thick country drawl.

"Kenji, is it?" The younger guy asks, putting his hands on his hips and looking Kenji up and down. Kenji nods quietly. Kenji doesn't shy away from the man's eyes. He looks the man in front of him up and down back in response. The guy was probably in his mid-twenties. He had curly brown hair that sat on the top of his head in messy ringlets. His cheekbones were high, and his jawline was chiseled. He had bright brown eyes, a barely-there goatee and mustache that was patchy in areas, and deep dimples that formed on his face when he smiled. He looked like a small-town boy that would move to Hollywood and become a famous actor. He was handsome, even Kenji couldn't deny that.

"So, what's your story?" The young man continued, smiling at Kenji with a friendly smile.

"I'm a low-level Red Man. I just want out, but the only way they will let me out is if they kill me. I was hoping I could help the militia out if you could give me some protection."

The young man rubs his chin and looks around at the other militia members. They are listening to Kenji's explanation silently.

"And how can you help us out?"

"I'll do anything you tell me to do. I'm hardworking. I'm good at combat. I've trained in martial arts since I was a kid. Please, I'm desperate." Kenji puts his hands together, getting ready to get down on his knees and beg the man in front of him. He puts on a sad face. "They took everything away from me. My family, my home. I don't have anything left."

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