In Mourning

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Kenji watches the militia members in mourning. He feels their sorrow deep in his chest. These poor people. If they would have never met me, they would still be alive. Kenji glances over at Atlas. If he had never met me, his friends would still be with him. Wyatt would still be by his side instead of betraying him and turning to my father. Was it a mistake for me to come here? Kenji stays silent as he walks into the bathroom behind Atlas. Atlas undresses, then helps Kenji to undress, since Kenji is down to only one good arm. Any movement of his right arm brings a sharp paint that radiates throughout his entire body.

Atlas turns the old shower on, the pipes creaking as it starts up. It takes a while for the water to warm up. Kenji stands with his right shoulder away from the water, trying to keep his wound from getting wet. He leans forward as Atlas uses a cup to pour water over his hair and wash it with some of Clayton's shampoo. Kenji doesn't meet Atlas' eyes during the shower, nor does he say a word. Atlas seems to be deep in his own thoughts, so neither of them speak.

Atlas gets out and wraps a towel around himself. He grabs another towel from the closet and begins drying Kenji's body. He looks up and down his boyfriend's glistening torso trying not to admire it, but the beauty of Kenji always strikes Atlas at the most inopportune times. "Fuck" Atlas murmurs quietly to himself. Kenji looks up at him in surprise.

"What's the matter?"

Atlas' eyes glance downward towards his growing package. Kenji shakes his head and leans close to Atlas.

"We're fixing to be performing a funeral and all you can think about is my naked body?"

Atlas' lips form a thin line. "It's not like I intended to. It's just it was glistening with the water droplets and I damnit, I can't help it." Atlas sighs in frustration. "I can't go out there with it."

Kenji backs Atlas up against the wall. "Need some help with it?"

"Is this really a good time and place for that?"

Kenji shrugs with his left shoulder. "We have some time." He crushes Atlas' lips, moving his hand down Atlas' body until he can feel his erection in his hand. Kenji wraps his left hand around it and begins stroking it. Atlas covers his own mouth with his hand trying not to let out a sound. Kenji moves his lips slowly from Atlas' chin to his neck. He works his way down Atlas' chest, stopping to flick his nipple with his tongue. Atlas bites his lower lip. Kenji starts stroking Atlas faster. He kisses down Atlas' stomach, tickling his belly button with his tongue. He places soft kisses on each of his hip bones before moving further south. Kenji envelopes his mouth around Atlas' firm muscle. His tongue traces along the head in circles. Atlas leans his head back, pushing his hips forward. His dick slides deeper into Kenji's mouth. Kenji looks up, watching the desire burn in his boyfriend's eyes. Kenji begins sucking on it, starting at the bottom of Atlas' shaft. Atlas' eyes widen. His hand buries itself in Kenji's hair as he guides Kenji's head up and down. It doesn't take long before he can feel himself tremble. The desire builds up. His dick throbs inside Kenji's mouth as it gets ready to explode. Kenji slurps one good time, and Atlas releases letting a rush of air out of his lungs. He bites his bottom lip trying to muffle his groan. Kenji leans back, releasing Atlas' from his mouth. He wipes his mouth on a nearby towel.

"Did you happen to grab our toothbrushes?" Kenji whispers to Atlas. He doesn't look Atlas in the eyes. I can't believe I just did that at this moment. Way to go, Kenji. You're a complete douchebag.

"Are you, um, okay?" Atlas asks, running his hand through his hair, his ears turning red.

"Mm. I just feel kind of guilty."

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