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"Adventure! Daddy's home!" Kenji calls as he sets his bag down just inside the door and steps in. Adventure followed by her original owner, Atlas, come running towards him. Atlas' eyes are wide in surprise. A smile dons his handsome face.

"What are you doing home? You told me you wouldn't be back for another week!" Atlas runs and jumps up in Kenji's arms. Kenji wraps his arms around Atlas as Atlas wraps his legs around Kenji. Kenji spins him around in circles in the living room of their house. Adventure barks happily at their feet.

"Did you miss me?" Kenji asks. He's exhausted from the long flight, but happy to be home.

"Did I? Or did you miss me?" Atlas responds teasingly.

"Of course, I missed you. I'm never going to leave your side again." Kenji playfully nuzzles his nose in Atlas' neck making Atlas wriggle and laugh. Kenji gently sets Atlas back on the ground. He kneels down and Adventure runs up barking and licks his face. "I missed you and dad both." Kenji says, letting Adventure lick his chin happily. When Kenji stands back up, Atlas wraps his arms back around his boyfriend.

"How much did you miss me?" He plants a sweet kiss of Kenji's lips.

"Want to find out?" Kenji grabs Atlas' hand and leads him to the bedroom. He shuts the door behind them. Adventure lays down on the floor amongst her toys and chew bones. Kenji pushes Atlas down on the bed roughly. He grabs Atlas' hands and pins them in one of his hands locking his lover to the bed. He runs his other hand up Atlas' shirt, feeling sinewy muscles under his fingertips. He looks down at Atlas' now hardened six-pack. "Hmm, someone's been working out while I've been gone." Before Atlas can even respond, Kenji brushes his lips against Atlas' gently. Atlas puts his hands on Kenji's back and pulls him back down into a hot kiss. Their mouths move simultaneously. Kenji tilts his head. Their tongues and lips knead and tease each other. Atlas moans against Kenji's mouth.

Kenji pulls back long enough to take off his shirt. His tiredness was gone, replaced by a deep hunger for the man underneath him. Kenji runs his mouth down Atlas' neck, nipping him along the way.

"Kenji," Atlas calls him. Kenji looks up into the light brown eyes. "Don't ever leave me again." Atlas says. Kenji leans down and kisses Atlas hungrily.

"Never again." Kenji promises.

Both fall flat on the bed exhausted out of their minds. Kenji rests with his arm behind his head. Atlas puts his head in the crook of Kenji's arm. "I'm glad your home. By the way, how was it meeting your family?" Atlas asks turning his head to peer at Kenji.

"It was awkward at first. Massive language barrier since I don't speak Japanese. Pa made Kazu learn Japanese so he could negotiate with people from other countries, so he was the translator. They seemed excited to meet us though. Ena is very sweet and hospitable. Hansuke reminds me of a funny grandpa even though he's not old. He thinks dad jokes are hilarious and he laughs at himself when he tells them. Mio is studious. She's quiet and shy, and she loves to read. She is engaged to be married but I didn't meet her fiancé. He was away on business. Nozomi is playful. She has a child-like personality although she's a young woman. She's very close to Hansuke. They like to play pranks on Ena and Mio. It's entertaining watching the family."

"They sound like wonderful people." Atlas says, smiling at Kenji.

A smile teases the edge of Kenji's mouth. "Yeah, they are. I told Hansuke the next time he gets a vacation they should come to America, and we would love to get to know them better."

"So, did you tell them you were dating a man?" Atlas asks hesitantly, almost afraid of the answer. Kenji peers over at him.

"Of course. I'm not ashamed of you, Atlas. I fell in love with you. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't understand why so many people are scared to come out of the closet, or whatever that terminology is."

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