Father and Son

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Kenji parks the bike a few blocks away from the police station. He leaves it on the side of the road in front of an antique store. He pockets the keys and takes off his helmet, leaving it hanging off the handlebar. Kenji tightens the strap of his backpack and starts making the trek through downtown Redmonton. The small town is filled with old shops that have been renovated and updated into boutiques, creameries, and small sit-down restaurants. The atmosphere of the town is quaint and slow-moving. It's not like the fast-paced cities Kenji has visited. If it wasn't for his dad and the Red Men, Kenji would love to live in a small, peaceful town just like this.

He looks ahead with only one mission in his mind. I have to end this, no matter the outcome. It's either me or him. One of us is going to die today. If I do die today, hopefully I will die a hero that saves this town full of kind-hearted people that treated me like their own when I was nothing more than a stranger, an outsider. Kenji tries to take in the sights and sounds. The birds starting their morning songs. The sun coming up over the horizon and the darkness going away. The sky is a dark blue mixed with a bright orange. Kenji sniffs the air, the smell of nearby flowers wafts into his nostrils. The streets are still empty as people are still sleeping. If I die today, I will die knowing what love feels like. Knowing what being a part of something that is bigger than myself is like. I will die knowing what sacrifice is. I will do this to ensure Atlas and the others can live safely without fear. They can return to their homes. Put their weapons away and return to work. They can build the town back up. They can live happy, full lives, even if mine is shortened. I'll die happy knowing I made a difference in a corner of the world. Kenji wears a small smile on his face, thinking about what this town would be like under normal circumstances. Thinking about his lover returning to a normal life, like he had before Kenji appeared at Clayton's doorstep. Kenji's heart feels light for the first time in his life. He chooses the good side instead of the bad. He chooses to side with the town instead of his father. He chooses his lover's life over his own.


"ATLAS! GET UP! KENJI'S GONE!" Dawn shrieks, flinging Atlas' door open. Atlas sits straight up in his bed. He doesn't even rub the sleep out of his eyes or throw on clothes. He pushes past Dawn as he takes the stairs two at a time. Dawn is right. Kenji's room is completely empty. There isn't a sign of life. It's like he's never even been there except a single towel in the laundry hamper.

Atlas runs back down the stairs, Adventure following on his heels. "Where's Kenji? Has anybody seen Kenji?" Atlas asks in desperation. Everyone looks up from their spots in the living room and dining room. They all turn to look at Atlas. Most of them shake their heads. Leon raises his hand.

"Uh, he woke me up early this morning. He said he had an errand to run and wanted to borrow my bike." Atlas stares at Leon incredulously.

"You let him take it?" Atlas growls. His face turns red and his hands clench into fists. "Damnit." He punches the wall, leaving a single fist hole in it. Leon's eyes widen knowing that could have been his face.

"What's the matter?" Leon asks, standing up from his spot at the dining table.

"He went to go after his father. That's the errand he was going on and you let him leave."

Leon raises his hands in innocence. "I-I'm sor-sorry, Atlas. I didn't know otherwise I wouldn't have let him."

"Use your brain next time." Atlas roars. "If there is a next time." He says quietly.

Dawn comes up beside Atlas and rubs his arm. "Calm down, sweetheart. You're not certain that's where he went. Maybe he went to go get some food or he just went out for a joyride to take his mind off things."

"How long has he been gone?" Atlas asks, turning back towards Leon.

"Since about four or five this morning."

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