Warm Welcome

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Within minutes a loud BOOM echoes up the stairwell. Atlas and the others are tossed about as the floor underneath them shakes from the explosion. "Argh!" Groans can be heard from down below. Atlas and the others continue climbing up the stairs, until they reach the sixth floor. Atlas takes a deep breath before swinging the door open. He looks around the floor that has been turned into a luxury apartment by Mr. Red's men. A middle-aged man with jet black hair that was combed back away from his face stood in the middle of the room surrounded by ten of the biggest armed guards Atlas had even seen. He looked nothing like Kenji except for the unmistakable sharp eyes.

"Where is he? Where's Kenji?" Atlas demands.

Mr. Red tilts his head as he looks up and down at the leader of the militia.

"You are a lot younger than I expected. A leader is usually older." The man says with a thick Japanese accent."

"Don't start with the bullshit. Where is your son?" Atlas demands. His finger rests on the trigger of the shotgun that is aimed at the elder in front of him.

"I haven't seen him. I expected him to come with you."

"Then where's Bria?" Atlas' finger trembles on the trigger, anger filling his insides. Mr. Red sits in a chair behind a large wooden desk.

"Bria? Bria?" Mr. Red taps on his chin. "Oh, right. You mean your girlfriend? I hate to break the news to you, but in her heartbroken state she sold you out. It was all a ploy to get you to bring my son to me." A slow smile spreads across Kenji's father's face. He looks around expectantly. "So, where is he? That bastard son of mine?" Mr. Red asks, his voice full of malice.

"Why would I ask you where he is if I knew?" Atlas says impatiently, gritting his teeth.

"Okay. Fine. Since neither of us knows where he is, let me fill you in on some backstory so you know just how dangerous your lover is. He is your lover is he not?"

Atlas doesn't answer. "Why should I listen to you? Everything that comes out of your mouth will be lies anyways."

"I have no reason to lie to you. You think I'm a monster? My son is a thousand times worse."

"Did he tell you about what happened to his little sister?"

"He doesn't have a sister, just an older brother that died during your takeover."

Mr. Red's face is no longer smiling. "That's what he told you?" Mr. Red shook his head. He got up from his seat and began pacing across the floor behind his desk, looking down as if reminiscing the past.

"Kenji was four when Koharu was born. My beautiful baby girl. She was perfect. A head full of dark hair, bright eyes, and a smile that brought love to my heart. She made our family complete. Kenji became utterly jealous of his baby sister. He was doted on by everyone until the arrival of Koharu. He changed. He began to rebel. He would pitch temper-tantrums, throw things, hurt his mother and older brother. No matter how many times I disciplined him, his attitude became worse. One night, when Koharu was just a little over a year old, Kenji snuck into her bedroom while everyone was asleep. He put a pillow over his baby sister's face and suffocated her until she was no longer breathing."

Atlas shook his head, his eyes wide in horror. "You're lying!"

Mr. Red shook his head. "Unfortunately, I'm not. The grief from losing our beloved daughter caused my wife to take her own life. Everything bad that has happened to our family started with Kenji's jealousy."

A figure steps out of the shadows on the opposite side of the room. "I wasn't a monster. I was a kid. And I wasn't jealous of my little sister. I loved her. She was my only sister. She was my world." Tears streaked down Kenji's face. "I wanted to protect her from you."

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