Letter To Me, From Me

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Author's Note: So I went for some course recently, and they provided a writing prompt. Thought I'd share my (incomplete) attempt at postmodern epistolary. Finished this in about 20 minutes, so there may be some gaps here and there. Do let me know what you think!

Prompt: Write a thank you letter to yourself or some fictive character. In it, detail four qualities about yourself you value deeply, as well as two traits you dislike. 


Dear kangaji88

Thank you for being you, and me.

I am going to take some time now to write about four qualities that both you and I value deeply. First, curiosity. All we do in our free time is try to experience all the things we can in our lives. All those annoying questions and unsolvable paradoxes can occupy us for days (but honestly, what's there to be curious about when it comes to the environment?).

Next, empathy. Curiosity makes us feel a need to understand people better. Impossible as it may be, we want to understand people. Take our friends for example. We will never know what goes on in their heads. But do we stop trying? No, not until we get an answer (and because we never get an answer we never stop trying).

Another one, directness. Is it more of the fact that we don't quite have the words to describe a situation in a roundabout way that is wishy-washy and fancy and pleasant to the ears that makes the people around us and ourselves happy?

Finally, a streak of craziness. Boundaries mean little to us. When we look things up online, the only boundary stopping us is the capacity of our brains (but also a million other considerations). If we can think of it, we try to find it, and more often than not, we realise that we don't know our capacity, so we don't really know how much we can find.

Even as I thank you, and me, for having these traits, we both know that we dislike ourselves. After all, our confidence goes straight out of the window. So many thoughts floating around in our mind but then we question them. Question. Question! Question? On the bright side, scepticism is good, right?

We also aren't really good at being clear... I'd elaborate more but I can't really explain it. Neither can you.



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