We Made It

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Raucous applause littered the stage,

the lights swivelling like lighthouses,

illuminating specks of humanity. 

"We made it here because of our grit".

More applause, thundering pulses echoing, 

echoing their correspondence,

a beautiful harmony of hope and inspiration

playing notes of reverberating joy.

The faces of those who had gorged themselves 

and neglected the waste and ruin 

left in their wake.

Lights out, curtains shut,

the audience leaves,

a mindless mob with their hearts full 

of a lie repeated one too many times. 

A lie which cast its shadow

over those who make the carcasses 

in the human pyramid,

leaving the audience at its peak,

pockets full of self-righteousness.

The living dead continue to live as shadows

at the whim of heavy pockets

and full stomachs. Toil day 

and night only to feed the already full.

Yet as we see them with instant noodles,

we enjoy our steak. 

After all, we've earned it. 

SpontaneityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora