Chapter 2: Revelations & Arrangements

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Luke's POV

How do you tell your best friend that you've had feelings for her most of your life? You don't, you just don't. All of the guys have had feeling for her at some point: Dane during the fourth grade, Jude in eighth and ninth grade, and then me. I've had a crush on her for pretty much 17 out of 18 years of my life.

I learned a long time to stop making moves on her, and she definitely knows I have a crush on her. She just doesn't know how big of a crush it is. I'm straight up in love with her, and there's nothing I can do about it!

"Can you just grab a washcloth and get the face wash out of my eye?" she asks me, and I swear I see a slight pout in her lips that drives me insane.

"S-sure," I stutter out. God, I bet I sound so stupid. I rub the washcloth under her eye and I feel her slightly lean into me as she flutters her eyes shut again. For a split second I swear she's going in for a kiss, and then she opens them again. Moment over.

"Much better. Uh, thanks!"

Before I can get another word in, she practically sprints out of sight. This is exactly why Ozzie and I have never happened. 1. Because she's my best friend and there's no way she feels the same about me. 2. Every time there's even a sliver of a moment happening between us, she runs away.

I'm jealous of Jude right now. A little over a year ago on his 17th birthday, we threw a party, most people got wasted (I didn't, be proud!) and I saw Jude and Ozzie hook up. It was probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever laid eyes on—not to be dramatic or anything. The next morning, Ozzie and Jude remembered what they did and decided to forget it even happened.

"Oz! Ozzie!" I call down the street as I see her get on her bike. "Where are you going?"

"Home. My parents said it's important."

I look at Jude and Dane sitting on the couch unbothered. "It's pouring, Oz. Can I at least drive you there?"

"Fine," she groans. "Since Jude and Dane weren't gentlemen-y enough to offer before you."


"So... do you have any idea what this is about?" I ask Ozzie as she throws her hair up in her signature messy ponytail.

"To be honest, not really. My parents have never made me come home for an urgent matter before, so."

"Well, I guess it's time we found out, huh?"

"Mom? Dad?" Ozzie calls into her house as her parents appear in the kitchen. They're both doctors, so it's quite an extravagant kitchen at that.

"Luke! Hi! How wonderful to see you!"

"Hi Miss Carrie! Mr. Joey, you as well." They both pull me into a hug before Ozzie and I sit at the barstools at the kitchen island. 

"It's actually a good thing both of you are here. Your Dad and I are going to Africa this summer."

"What? You're kidding, right?" Ozzie chuckles.

"I'm afraid not; it's part of Doctors Without Borders."

"So I'm going to Africa this summer?"

"Not exactly..." Mr. Joey says as her parents both look at me. Um...

"Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein said it would be alright if you stayed with them for this summer! You move in tonight and we leave tomorrow morning."

"Um—" I start before Ozzie cuts me off.


"It's the best arrangement, sweetie."

"I have to live with Luke for the entire summer?"

"Gee, thanks," I chime in before I get a death glare from Oz.

"Honey, you hang out with him everyday anyway," Miss Carrie says. "And you guys have sleepovers with the boys almost every night anyway. What's the harm?"

Ozzie pauses for a moment before getting out of her barstool. "I guess I'll go pack." She storms off into her room and slams the door behind her.

"I—I should go check on her—" Mr. Joey says.

"No, let me. She's probably more likely to listen to her best friend than her Dad about all this, you know?"

He nods before I make my way up the stairs and knock. "Ozzie? It's me."

It's silent for a moment before I hear her get up and unlock the door. I push the door open before making my way into her room and laying on her bed, my usual spot.

"You wanna know how many guys and girls have snuck into here?"

"Um, no... not really," I mutter.

"A ton. And I won't be able to do that when I'm at your house!"

"Oh my god, Ozzie, you're overthinking this. Just think of it as a long ass sleepover. And if you want to hook up with someone, just hook up with one of the boys! You know we all love you to death."

"Ew, what the fuck?!"

"That was supposed to be a joke that kind of backfired."


"We'll be fine! We can cuddle at night when you get lonely."

She groans and screams into a pillow.

"Sorry, obviously too soon for another joke. But Oz," I say as I crouch in front of her. "We'll be fine. I promise I won't bug you and I'll be your personal chauffeur everywhere."

She looks up. "Promise you'll drive me everywhere? And I don't have to pay for gas money right? Because my parents are rich as fuck but I'm poor."

"I promise," I chuckle as she stands and gives me a hug. And a damn good hug at that.

"Thank you," she whispers as she pulls away. "Maybe if you're good you'll earn an hour of strictly platonic cuddles."

"Those are the worst kind, Ozzie Bozzie! But I'll take it."

She cringes at the nickname I gave her when she was little. "You really had to bring up my childhood like that... dear god," she laughs.

"Our childhood is the best part of our lives. We were all so innocent, and—"

"Hey! I'm still relatively innocent! You're the one that's slept with half the senior class!"

"I can't not admit that. But yay you, Oz! You're the most innocent one in the group!"

She groans and slaps my arm before we head back downstairs to talk to her parents.

"Luke's going to help me move some of my stuff into his guest room today," Ozzie says before she gives them both a hug and trots back upstairs.

"Luke," Miss Carrie starts. "No funny business when we're gone, you hear me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"The way you look at my daughter... I don't want her getting hurt, and by her best friend nonetheless."

"I would never hurt her."

"You know what happened with Jack, Sam, and Sophie? I don't want that to happen to you, too."

Ugh. She did not have to remind me of Ozzie's exes.

"With all do respect Miss Carrie, I've known Ozzie my entire life. I could never be impulsive enough to make a move on her, no matter if I had feelings for her or not."

"Well, take care of our little girl, alright?" Mr. Joey says as he shakes my hand.

"Of course i will. When have I ever led her into trouble?" Both of them start to speak before I cut them off. "Yeah, don't answer that."

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