Chapter 5: Parties & Hookups

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Ozzie's POV

"Rager tonight, get excited!" Dane bellows as Luke and I walk into the bungalow the morning after babysitting.

"Nice!" Luke replies as he flops onto the couch.

"It's gonna be our most wild one yet!"

"Can you secure the alcohol?" Jude asks Dane as the rest of their conversation fades and I focus my attention on Luke. It's funny; I never noticed how his jaw twitches when he wasn't talking but he wanted to.

Stop, Ozzie.

"Ozzie, you've been awful quiet, dude," Luke interrupts my thoughts.

"Um... just thinking."

"About what?"

You, I so badly want to say even though I know I could never.

"Just um—how we haven't had a rager in a while," I lie.

"Well, yeah. That's why we need your input on tonight," Jude tells me.

"Oh, um. Yeah, of course."

Who knew a dude that I've seen naked as a child could be so distracting all these years later?


"Welcome, hi," I say as I greet people at the door of the bungalow. The bungalow is so teeny and there has to be at least 40 people here, which is just a recipe for disaster. It's around 11 though so I doubt anyone new is coming.

"Dance with me," I hear that familiar voice whisper in my ear, making the hairs on my arm stand up straight.


Luke takes my hand and pushes through the crowd and settles right in the middle of the living room to dance. He puts a hand on my waist and we move back and forth to the upbeat music. I place myself against his body as he looks down at me into my eyes.

"I've missed you," he tells me.

"I've been here the whole time."

"But you've been... different. Distant. I don't like it."

"Sorry, I've just been really in my head lately."

"About the kiss?"

"We didn't kiss, Luke."

"Fine, the almost-kiss."

"To be honest, I forgot about it," I lie. "I've just been nervous about senior year."

"Hate to break it to you babe, but that's not for another three months. You're fine."

I couldn't focus on anything he said to me after he called me babe.

"I believe you."

"Alright. I'm gonna go get us some drinks."

Luke disappears into the crowd and doesn't come back for awhile. Like, a long while. I'm starting to wonder if he left me. What the fuck?

I walk into the crowd and can't find him anywhere. So I guess I'll check the bedrooms. I mean, why would he possible be in there—

Holy shit.

I open the first bedroom door—the room he sleeps in when he stays over—to see Luke hovered over some brunette kissing her neck, her lips, her stomach. Oh my god. Of course he would leave me to hook up with some random girl! What a Luke thing to do.

They're obviously having sex. That's what hurts even more.

So, in not-so-Ozzie fashion, I grab a guy leaning on the wall and just start kissing him. He seems to like it as he immediately kisses me back—quite aggressively I might add.

All of a sudden the guy drops to the floor, and of course I know why.

"What the fuck, Luke?" the guy groans as he runs his cheek where Luke punched him.

"What the hell are you doing?" he says to me as he grabs onto my shoulders.

"Oh, so I'm not allowed to kiss a guy but you can go have sex when you tell me you're grabbing drinks? Tell me how that's fair!"


"No! Don't 'Ozzie' me! You're a dick! Was trying to kiss me just another tactic for me to get into bed with you?!"

"God, Ozzie, no! If you would just listen to me—" I start to walk away and he grabs my arm and spins me around. "I could explain all this."

I look at a brunette head of hair and know it's the girl he was with. I grab her arm and spin her around as I become even more heartbroken.

"Sophie?" I gasp. "You hooked up with my ex-girlfriend?!" I screech at Luke.

"Oh my god. Ozzie—" she starts. "I came onto him, and I'm so, so sorry."

"Look at me in the eye and tell me it was a mistake," I tell both of them. "You tried to kiss me and then slept with my ex-girlfriend," I point to Luke. "And you slept with my best friend," I tell Sophie. "How is that right?"

"It was a mistake," Sophie tells me quite effortlessly.

"It—it was," Luke says after her.

"That was such a half-assed response, Luke. I can't do this right now." I storm into the crowd and find Dane only only to grab his arm. "Are you drunk?" I ask him.


"Are you high?"

"Also no. What's wrong?"

"Can you drive me home?"


The drive back to the Goldstein's is pretty much silent. Dane keeps asking me if I'm alright and if I want to talk about it, but I always say no.

"I don't know what happened between you and Luke, but something's been off between you guys lately," Dane says as we park in the driveway. "And I don't like it."

"You think I do?" I sob. "We're supposed to be best friends, and he screwed it up by trying to kiss me!"

"Luke tried to kiss you?"

I nod.

"The boy finally did it."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"He's loved you for the majority of his life, Ozzie. He's always said he was gonna tell you and make a move on you, but that's never happened."

"He didn't tell me he loves me."

"Oh, shit. Yeah, you don't know that then."

"Luke loves me?" I whisper.

"He does."

It's silent for a moment before I respond. "I don't believe you."

"Would it make you feel better if we got confirmation from Jude, then?" he jokes.

"Actually, yes."

Dane laughs as he pulls out his phone and dials Jude's number.

"What, dude?"

"Why aren't you at my house?"

"Snuck off with Sunny. What do you need?" Jude groans into the phone.

"Does Luke love Ozzie?"

"Dude, you know this. Of course he does; he never shuts up about her."

"Okay, thanks for your input. Now go have fun with Sunny."

"See ya."

"Do you believe me now?"

"I—I guess. Um... goodnight, Dane."

"Night, Oz."

I hop out of his truck and disappear into the house before collapsing on my bed and sighing. This just got a lot more complicated.

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