The Date Night

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Aurey POV

It was 16.46 and he was not here. I stood outside my cottage, Boo was taken to her father's place. She and her dad didn't know anything about this... meeting... 

After 4 minutes, I heard  a loud noise. It was  a car, which was coming towards me way too fast. It was a pretty new car, Toyota I guess. The car stoped right in time and window opened. I saw Jordan, wearing a shirt and jeans(hehe not green shorts, I thought and smiled).

Jordan; Aurey

"Well hello my lady" he said really formally

"Hello, Jordan"

"So, how are you?"

"Pretty good, you?"

We talked for 5 minutes about nothing and realized that table was reserved for time 17:00. Jordan drove really concentrated. I looked at him with an analyzing look and he smiled and said:

"I see you lookin'." I blushed and saw that we magically weren't late.

Jordan talked with the manager and he showed us our table. The restaurant was a bit fancy, hipsterish but very cozy. We talked about stuffs, YouTube, Seth and Sonja being really annoying.

Suddenly I felt like I knew Jordan my all life. We talked about everything and nothing, like old friends.

Evening has ended. It was almost 22:00. I heard my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I whispered

"Hi Erin, It's Jerry."I heard my ex-man talking."I brought Boo home but you weren't here. Where are you? She is worried"

Bananas! I understood that I was caught. I couldn't just say truth. I needed to lie.

"I am......umm..WORKING! Yeah...I am with Sonja, I'll be back tomorrow" I said and looked at Jordan. He was confused."OK, bye!" I said and finished the call.

"What just happened?"Jordan asked still confused.

"It was my ex-husband. I didn't want to tell him that I am in city with other man. He would say that to Boo and she would be really mad, that I am in town with you and I didn't tell her"

Jordan looked at me calmly

"But what about that"coming tomorrow back" thing?"

"Can I... stay at your place?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, sure" he said with an unreadable look.

"I think that it's time to go home" I said, we paid the bill and Jordan drove to his place.


When we entered his condo, he said:

"Welcome to the Sparklez castle. Feel free like home"

When we were ready to sleep(Jordan on couch, I on his bed) I came to him and said:

"Thanks Jordan for this awesome evening and that you let me sleep in your place" 

and I kissed him on his cheek.

~ Can I be your Boo?~ - An AureySparklez fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن