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Jordan P.O.V.

We stood like that for 5 minutes. Suddenly Aurey held me more tightly and looked me in the eyes. I never thought that her eyes were so beautiful. I smiled even more. Suddenly we heard a song. 

"I know this song.. I guess?" She said.

Me and you, setting in a honeymoon

If I woke up next to you, if I woke up next to you*

We started slowly dancing- more like Aurey was dancing, I was waddling around.

After like 3rd time hearing the same words I memorized them and we, like one said:

If I woke up next to you .

I stopped Aurey from dancing and held both of her hands. Suddenly she just looked at me, even more blushing. I leaned towards and slowly kissed her. 

Sofly and gently. She didn't reject the kiss. She just started to kiss me harder.

This lasted for 4 minutes. They were best 4 minutes of my life.


      At That Moment in _'s head

      Jordan: OMG
      Aurey: OMG
      World: OMG
      People, that were smoking outside: Finally, jfc
      Photographer: OMG
      A shipper of AureySparklez that was outside: NO fucking way.
      Tom: TF


Aurey slowly moved her head away from me. 

"Wow, you are an amazing kisser".

Well that was one thing I didn't expect to hear.

"You too.. are"

It starting raining, no more like pouring and me and Aurey hid under a roof of a cafe. We both were wet, water dripping from our clothes.

"I would like to... repeat, If you... would want to" I mumbled

"I would love to, not even once"

She leaned for a kiss. This time shorter but as amazing as it was before.

We sat down in the same cafe. Aurey was smiling like a fool.

"What are you thinking about?" she said leaning towardss me.

I had one question in my head, only one. I gathered all my courage and said:

"I have one and only question for you:

Can I be your Boo?

Song: Fall Out Boy - I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)

~ Can I be your Boo?~ - An AureySparklez fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora