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Becky's pov 

I knew my decision was tough but I knew I had to do the right thing " I choose to go with my bestfriend" I said Alex got up from her knees she nodded " you may back your bags I'll call a taxi to pick you and your friend up" she said as she left the room

 " I'm free " I said as I hugged Jake I was finally free from Alex we started packing my things when I knocked a book over I saw a diary or a journal I picked it up it had my name in it 

"dear father and mother I know you were happy for me to get married but the marriage is canceled I cant live like this anymore I can't force her into marrying me she deserves better someone better than me so I will have to let her go I don't care if it breaks my heart losing her she deserves a better life " I  read she loved me but didn't have the guts to tell me but I already made my decision to leave 

Jake grabbed the bags and placed them inside the taxi I looked at Alex " goodbye Miss  Kwan " she said " goodbye miss Lopez" I said as I went inside the taxi I saw her look at me her eyes full of sadness but I didn't care anymore she shouldn't have forced me in the first place the the driver began driving I looked behind to see we were far away from her house when I felt the urge to vomit " STOP THE CAR" I said as the car stopped I puked on the trash can " hey you ok " Jake asked I shook my head " TAKE US TO THE NEAREST HOSPITAL" Jake said as he put me inside the car "my stomach hurts " I said the car stopped the driver and Jake helped me out of the taxi the nurses took me to do a check up Jake and I were waiting for the doctor when she came in

"well good news your pregnant" The doctor said "I'M A BE AN UNCLE " Jake screamed the doctor let us out I was pregnant with Alex's child " we need to tell her that your pregnant with her kid" Jake said " no we can't she can't know about the baby what if she does the same things to me again I don't wanna get married to her " I said as I cried on his chest he hugged me " ok its ok we wont tell her " He said I nodded he called a taxi over and drove us back to his house his boyfriend was waiting for him we told him what had happened he said I could live with them  

I told them I couldn't they needed there  privacy they said that there the uncles and they want to protect the baby they called the parents to tell them the news they were happy to have a grandchild I told them what had happened between me and Alex they were sorry for what Mr. Johnson did and he was so sorry that he had to do it because he was in debt with her and if he didn't pay she would kill him I told him it was ok but that she can't know about the baby 

Third Pov

"so she's pregnant with Alex's child" said the mysterious person "everything is going according to plan " said the other person  

The princess and her beastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora