Semi Truck

18 1 1

Hey mister semi truck
Just keep rolling slow
I was going faster before
But take your time and roll slow

This street is mine and it winds and winds
I know its scary to turn
With houses so close
So just take it slow

I wondered if anyone would rush us on
From behind in a hurry
But I was hoping not
Because sometimes you need to take a little time

I am quite happy
To have seen the tree's leaves
Blur across in reflection
On your shining metal back

I never looked at it like that

Just you and me
Hope you know you aren't being pushed
Even as I'm close behind
I just wanna float along with you

Cause it's good to cruise
And just not mind rolling slow

Poems That Came From a BeanstalkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ