Ch.1 Disturbance

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Sarna was a once beautiful and prosperous continent. In it were three kingdoms,each consisting of a different race.

The first kingdom was that of the humans, Illyria which is located in the Southern Mountain range is known as the kingdom in the Sky. The humans settled it hundreds of years ago and had been there ever since. Not much was ever heard from this kingdom being that they lived in fear of the others not wanting to bring the wrath upon them.

To the west of the Southern Mountain kingdom was the Kitsunian Kingdom but you would never know it. Runera was the hardest to find because they had hidden it so well. It lay deep under the earth of Sarna and the only way in was if an invitation was extended and its location was spoken.

The third and final kingdom was that of the Elves. A woodland fortress know as Sephire lay to the north of the Great Divide, which was the massive lake that almost engulfed the border of the Elven and Kitsunian kingdoms.

All was well within and between the kingdoms and had been for two thousand years...or so it seemed. It was a bright and sunny day in Sarna and everything was calm in the Human and Kitsunian kingdoms but something was brewing in Sephire.

The king of Sephire had given the word. It had been long awaited as the soldiers had been training for years for this moment. It had gotten to a climax and everyone was at each others throats, crime had gone up due to the unrest. The words given were sent down to the generals and captains.

They were to leave immediately and head for the Runerian border and leave no living being alive.

The chosen unit set out on foot when they were ready and started making their way to the border. Marching in perfect formation for hours they reached the border and crossed, coming across a run down shack that looked deserted.

"Check it out", ordered the Captain. His troops slowly started toward the shack being very quiet but what they didn't know was the family of kitsunes inside had seen them approaching and continued to out of curiosity.

When the oldest male saw weapons he turned to a teenage girl and told her to grab supplies just in case.

"Who is that?" He asked as he turned back looking at the troops.

"It looks like Elven forces but what would they be doing across the border, armed at that?" The teenage girl said. "To do such is an act of war but we are at peace."

She scattered around the house and collected items such as a bag, some meat, bread and a a canteen that was bursting with water.

As she returned she saw her father going to the door. "What are you doing?"

"I am going to see what they are doing here. Maybe they are looking for an escaped fugitive or something of the like." He sighed and reached for the doorknob but turned his head back to the girl.

"If anything should happen to me you know what you must do."

She nodded her head "I am to run to the Runeran castle and not look back." She had a look of worry in her eyes and she started to shake. "Be careful father."

Her father turned the knob and opened the door slowly walking outside and closing the door before making his way toward the troops. His daughter ran to the window and stayed glued to it as she watched her father talk to the troops.

"Hello. Lovely day isn't it?" He asked. They didn't seem too interested in him, looks of disgust on their faces. "What pray tell are you doing across the border in this time of peace?"

"What we are doing here is none of you business you fox scum." Said a tall elf. The elf seemed to be the captain as the others backed away as he stepped forward toward the kitsune. The male kitsune stood with a shocked look painted on his face. "You being here is of my concern as these are my lands,given to me by the king. I'll ask again... what are you doing on my land?"

At these words the elf's face turned to one of even further disgust and his body shook with rage. Never had he been spoken to in such a manner, especially by an inferior such as this fox-like scum.

The elf captain stepped toward the male. "What is your name?"

The male got a bit scared but held steady. "I am Kai and you are?"

"Elion of the elven army, as you can tell" he laughed as he put his hand on the hilt of his sword. "And I do have a feeling this is the last thing you'll ever hear or see."

Kai made no movements of retreat and stared down Elion. He knew it could get worse for him soon but he had to hold them here. If they got to the house they would find his daughter.

Elion drew his sword out and pointed it at Kai. "Move out of my way. You are of no importance to me and I'd rather not have this end badly for you"

Kai looked at the sword then back into Elion's eyes. They were cold and heartless, no doubt a result of eleven training.

"What are you going to do if I refuse? You'll kill me? What does that do for you?"

Elion moves closer and lowered his sword.

"It would give me no thrill and would not do my mission a bit of justice but...",he said softly as he lifted the sword and slammed it into Kai's chest. "..if I must I will".

Kai slipped off the sword slowly,his blood staining the blade. He slumped down to his knees gasping for air holding his wound.

"Y..y.." he fell over as Elion wiped the sword's blade off and then sheathed it. He looked at Kai's body as it lay there lifeless and then turned his attention to the shack.

"He was protecting something at that shack." He turned to his men and pointed to it. "I want you to tear that place apart. Find what he is protecting."

The men along with Elion started their march toward the shack. Little did they know, Kai's daughter was inside at the window. She was a witness to the senseless murder and if it ever got out then war would come to Sephire as well as swift deaths for all the men in Elion's Unit.

Dedicated to Lillith_Azrael
Without her I wouldn't be here.

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