Chapter 2 Escape

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She had seen it all,her father's body having a blade shoved through it and the blood drip as the elf stood over his lifeless body. She screamed inside,torn by her emotions. On the one hand she was sad and wanted to cry but on the other she was building fury, a fury that no being had ever known before. She clenched her fists in rage and stormed toward the door and slammed her hand on the knob.
As she did she heard something, a sudden voice came to her in her mind. It spoke to her and she realized who it was immediately.
"Elena you must not do this. away to the Runeran castle. You must Elena, your sister and mother need you."
Her grip on the doorknob loosened and she welled up with tears, drops hitting the floor as the cascaded off her face. She sniffled and wiped her eyes then made her way back to the window and saw the unit advancing upon her home. She started to panic. If they found her and knew she'd seen the whole event they would definitely kill her with no remorse. She was a mere pawn in this chess match between Sephire and it's intended enemy. Her father's voice was right, she had no business staying any longer in their old shack. It was lost, everything her father and her had worked for.

Elena turned on a dime away from the window and walked toward the kitchen where her bag of supplies laid. She trotted to it and snatched it up then opened it up quickly and sorted through it. "meat....water.....bandage..", she mumbled as she poked around in it. As she finally finished she snapped the bag shut and as quick as lightning made her way to the back door, slamming it open and racing down the stairs.

Quietly she tiptoed to the edge of the house and craned her neck to peek out, making sure the coast was clear. Just as she peeked out she heard it. " Hey there's a little girl back her captain. Must be that fox's daughter." Elion quickly turned his head toward where the soldier was pointing and took her in.

"Don't just stand there you fools! GET HER!!! She's seen what we've done. She will ruin King Trice's plans", he exclaimed as his eyes bulged in fear as well as anger at the soldiers' stupidity. "You won't get away from us you pathetic fox. We will kill you just like you damn father."

The soldiers charged toward the house, all of them pushing each other wanting to get to Elena first. Whoever got to her and caught her or killed her would be handsomely rewarded by Elion and when he relayed word to Trice, he would reward the soldier too with riches and more. They drew their bows and swords and spears and readied them as they closed the gap between themselves and Elena. " We are gonna get you you little scum", the lead soldier shouted at her.

Elena was frozen where she stood, unable to think of or do anything due to the shock of being spotted and the fear that she would be caught. Her eyes darted from the soldiers to Elion then back to her feet She stared down at them wondering why she still couldnt move. "Come on! If i don't hurry they are going to get me. Stop messin around and let's go" she exclaimed at her legs and feet as she swung her hand and hit them. She winced at the hit and then perked up through the pain as she knew what the pain meant. Swiftly she turned around and laughed. "See you idiots later. Don't you know you can't catch a Kitsune when we get our feet going." Elena jumped up and spreading her legs in mid air she landed in a pre-run position and stamped her left foot as she closed her eyes.

"FOX FEET!!!" and she pushed off and like a bolt of lightning she was gone,leaving them in the dust like they were standing still. She made it to a tree line lined with bushes and took shelter in one of them. Slowly and cautiously, she peeked through the leaves seeing the soldiers and Elion looking around confused and infuriated at her sudden disappearance.

Elion screamed and approached the soldiers hands raised in absolute blind fury. He punched one soldier in the face and after doing so he turned to another but was met with a hit to the chest. He slunk to the ground to words of anger. "I'll be damed if you'll hit us again. We are tenured soldiers and deserve better than your dictator like attitude towards being our captain." Elion breathed hard and deep trying to catch his breath. Finally he did as he listened to the words spewing from his soldier's mouth then laughed and in one swift movement drew his sword and bolted around his side to the back and held his blade against the soldier's throat.

"Don't like how i run you guys? Don't like me being your captain do you?", he asked loudly so everyone could hear. "I like to be fair so if you have a problem and we will fix it." He let the soldier go and walked in front of all of them and stared with his cold eyes. "Go ahead.. what problems do you have with me?"

A soldier stepped forward and then another followed him behind, taking place beside the first. One gulped and the other shivered with fear. They knew it would be a mistake but he had offered them the chance to speak up. "We....well We just... You treat us like vermin and we bust our asses for you. The least you could do is show us respect." His fellow soldier nodded in agreement.

Elion looked from one to the other slowly and then down at the ground, a scowl appearing on his face. He shook his head and stretched his hands then cracked his knuckles on each hand. "So that is the way you see it? Both of you?" They nodded and now were noticeably sweating profusely and the one that hadn't spoken was shaking a little more than he had before. Elion started to make his toward the two as the others backed away from the two who had made their concerns known.
"I see. Well we can't have that going on. It could cause problems between us all and that kind of problems could cost one his life in the midst of battle. Even a single hesitation would be an eternity to any enemy to slaughter you. So let's solve this." Elion was face to face with the soldiers and unknown to them their comrades had snuck up on then. A nod from Elion and in a flash a spear pierced one and his blade pierced the other. Elion shoved the blood soaked soldiers off his blade and then the others standing behind shoved the second off of the spear. "Now problem solved." he chuckled out loud. "any other problems here?", he asked a she glared at the remaining soldiers.

"No Sir", they shouted and took their weapons and stayed them. "Where to next sir?"

Elion shot his gaze around the lands and then toward the forest and smiled an evily wicked smile, his ice cold eyes lighting up in ecstasy. "We..find.. the Girl." he said sneering and pointing toward the tree line.

Hope you enjoyed. Comments and Votes Appreciated ^_^

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