Chapter 8

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As night began to creep across the sky they continued even further down the road. It had been several hours since they began the journey and the road had become long and endless it seemed.
Elena stopped in her tracks and slunk down to her knees pouting.
"Ugggghhhhh..... This road is taking forever. This is the right way isn't it?"
"Yes Elena it is. I'm sure I told you an hour ago it takes awhile but it's the most direct route, unless you wanna go through thicker forests and come across bloodthirsty thieves"
James sighed and extended his hand," come on now, we can't be here much longer and look up ahead." He pointed as he spoke.
"There's the next town." He smiled at her and then something came to his mind. He would surely get hit for it but it was worth it. He looked down at Elena and then crouched down and stroked her ears," Does Kitty want a warm bath and a nice soft bed to sleep in?"
Elena leaned her head up and her eyes met James' as her mouth was a frown and her eyes were that of a sad cat.
"Yes", she cried," I'm so tired can you carry me?"
James was in shock. She hadn't punched or slapped him for his joke. He sighed, stood up," Come on." He held out his hand and helped her up then put his arms around her. He was just about to lean down when all of a sudden she hopped up. Out of shock he stuck his arm out, catching her legs. He laughed and looked at her.
"Just like a baby haha"
"Shut up James", she said as she suddenly leaned her head against his shoulder then began nuzzling into his neck.
As James carried her, he heard a mumble escape Elena's lips. As he gazed down upon her small frame she softly spoke through her sleep. "" He smiled at the sleeping girl and kept walking. After a short time carrying her, he made it to the town. As he looked down to the sleeping Kitsune again his eyes were met by hers looking up at him.
After checking into the town's shabby little inn and laying Elena down, James decided to take a stroll around town.
As he made his way through the small crowds, he thought again of what had transpired with Elena.
How could one little girl do such damage, let alone use powers like those? He thought to himself.
The Legend of the Hybrid Element Kitsunes had been nothing more than a bed time story when he was little but now seemed to be becoming real. There was no way , he told himself as he shook his head.
Even then such "magic" was not of the recent era so the stories seemed even more true. In the stories though the last of those who were thought to be strong enough in body and mind to tame such powers had been wiped off the face of Sarna before the Thousand Year War.
As James pondered this even more he turned around and started to make his way back to the Inn. Surely Elena would be awake by now or at least he hoped. Although they were barely more than strangers he didn't want her to worry about him or think he had abandoned her.
The moon had started to slowly peak out from behind the thick clouds that filled the sky when he finally saw the entrance to the Inn.
James made his way to the door but before he got there he took notice of someone, a woman standing beside the Inn light. From what he could see she carried a weapon, a sword it seemed. Swords were common among women nowadays but the thing that stuck out was the way she was dressed.
From what James could see in the Inn light, she wore a navy blue full length dress but this wasn't a formal dress or something fancy. It wasn't anything he had seen before. Her eyes, blood red, seemed to be locked on him, his stomach turning for some reason as he looked away, avoiding eye contact. His mind started racing, she looked familiar for some reason. He wondered but quickly shook away the thought.
He shuffled closer to the Inn and as he reached the door he couldn't take it anymore.
"Is something wrong with me miss?", he asked a little frustrated.
She narrowed her eyes then looked him up and down before softly speaking.
"No dear sir, I just have a weakness for people watching."
Her voice wasn't what he expected and neither was her answer.
"P-people watching?"
She turned away from him and laughed," Silly sounding isn't it? I am always fascinated by strangers. The way they act and carry themselves."
As confused as he was, James didn't have time to waste on this woman but he did have one more question for the mystery woman.
"Hmmmm well to each their own I guess but I do have a question for you miss if you'll oblige me."
She turned back to face him with a look of curiosity in her eyes. A stranger wanting to know of her was an oddity to say the least but she would indulge him.
"Proceed", she said as she waved her hand toward him.
"The sword. It....well it is common for a woman to have a sword nowadays but your dress is a little bit curious. Are you possibly nobility from an unknown kingdom?"
She burst to laughter at his question.
The woman then shook her head," No I am not nobility, more along the lines of...." She paused as if searching for the right words, her eyes going to the sky and her hands to her hips. She sighed as she spoke again,"well I can't explain. Let's just say these clothes aren't ones you find around here." She looked to him and winked.
James went to speak then nodded his head toward her. Not wanting to drift any further into wonder, he politely bowed," I see. I apologize but I must be going. My companion awaits me inside but I do hope to meet with you again in the future." He smiled at her.
The woman nodded and flashed her smile back at James. As he turned and walked into the Inn though, the woman started to laugh. It wasn't a normal laugh as she had given earlier but an evil laugh.
"Oh I can guarantee it you pathetic being." Like a flash she disappeared into the darkness, her laugh still echoing in the air.
Swiftly James went up the stairs stopping at the door and catching his breath. As he finally reached for the door he heard a rustling from the inside.
She must be waking up now.
Perfect timing he laughed in his mind.
He twisted the doorknob and knocked as a courtesy being that the last time he had come through Elena's door it hadn't ended well. So he slowly made his way through,peaking as he entered. She was still in bed but his eyes were met with two half open sleepy little eyes.
"J...James?", Elena managed to yawn out as she sat up and stretched.
"Yes?", He replied as he reached the bed and sat down beside her.
"When did...", she started but was cut off by another big yawn.
James took a shot at guessing what she was going to ask," Right before we got to town. Remember you asked me to carry you?"
Elena blushed as she did vaguely remember asking to be carried. She had acted like a baby kit at the time but it was worth it being that her legs had become tired. She looked to James, her face still slightly red and nodded.
"Aww the big and tough Elena is a big softie", James said,a smirk on his face.
"S..shut up...", Elena pouted as she lightly slapped James' chest.
James rubbed his chest then smiled at her.
"I'm sorry for acting so babyish.. I'm embarrassed."
James shook his head as he patted her shoulder and winked at her.
"As far as I'm concerned it never happened."
Her blue eyes met his, her face returning to its normal color as a smile crept across her face.
"You have my thanks" she giggled her head bowing low to him.
He didn't know how to take this bowing gesture but he did know it to be uncomfortable. His stomach got all knotted and then felt as if it was weightless while his face filled with blood.
"T...that's not necessary. Please don't bow to me like I am something special." He said as he looked away.
"She scooted closer to him, her hand finding his and holding it tight as she took a breath.
"To me you are more than special." She giggled at him.
James looked up and narrowed his eyes before yanking his hand away.
"Must you be so childish?"
"Would you prefer me to have agreed and let you sit in a depressing state? I though you'd like me to be more comforting",Elena said as her eyes slowly became red tinged. She seemed truly angry as James returned his gaze to her.
"Look I appreciate your kindness but maybe your delivery could've been better."
Elena slowly calmed, her eyes icing back over. "Well you can't say you didn't enjoy my touch", laughed Elena," I could feel it in your body for you did not make any movement to pull away."
James stood up turning toward the door. "I..I must go" he said quickly but before he took a step he heard a whining.
Swiftly he jerked his head around and saw Elena, her head hung low.
"Did you really just whine?"
Elena seemed none too disturbed of it as she spoke," I did. What of it?"
Elena looked around the room then to her lap. "Maybe I wanted you to stay. I am cold here in this bed alone." She hid her face in a blanket she pulled up. "I am tired of having nothing and being lonely"
James looked at her slightly confused at what she meant. She had only been alone just a little bit before he had come across her in the forest. And before that she lived with her father. What could she mean?
"Elena how ever could you be lonely. From my point of view and understanding of you, you lived with your father and had him as well as I have been told of your father's good nature and kind heart."
She looked up, her eyes wet and nose red. She sniffled lightly but shook as though something was wrong. Just as James moved closer, the shaking stopped but something worse appeared in it's place. Fury had manifested in her mind as she sat and soaked up her past silently.
"Idiot! I have been alone since the day my mother and sister took their lives to the godforsaken city!" Her voice boomed out," Surely we tried to appease my parents by having one stay with each but it was not enough for my wretched father! He wanted her not me. I was nothing more than a mouth to feed and a waste of space!" She looked up at James, her face red as fire, her eyes welling up with tears.
"Elena...", he started but her eruptions was far from finished. She burst again," He never wanted me, I was always the trouble maker, the bad influence. On occasion when he got drunk or mad with me he blamed me for the failure of their marriage. How can you say such things to a child?! How dare he put that on me!" She slammed her fist into the bed and screamed loudly.
"Why was I never good enough? Why blame me? I did nothing to cause their split. Maybe if he would've stopped drinking sooner and opened his damn eyes he would've saved what little love she harbored for him."
She stood up and walked to the other side of the room facing away from him. She shook uncontrollably her fists clenched tight.
"That man felt nothing but regret for his own daughter. I did nothing but try to make him happy and got nothing in return. Only recently did he start to even attempt to be a father. A pathetic excuse of an attempt it was. He had already lost me by then. Yes in truth I loved my father and I shed tears for his death and screamed with rage and sadness as he was cut down by a cowardly Elf but I had already slipped into a shell. I had been alone for a long time, his attempt coming nowhere close to reviving what relationship we had. So how dare you speak of my loneliness. You know nothing of it! I have been alone and I grown tired of it.... I want someone to break it apart. I'm tired of crying in secret, hiding my true feelings from others."
She took deep breaths as her rage flurried wildly. Her knuckles started to turn white from the tightness of her fist. She heard movements behind her and concluded that James was turning to leave.
She jumped as something came pressing on her shoulder. She reached up and felt a hand resting there. Turning slowly she came to see James standing there with a sad look on his face.
In utter shock she managed to speak.
"You're still...." But that's as far as she got before he pulled her close to him, her head leaned against his chest. He slowly wrapped an arm around her waist while the other cradled her head softly.
"I had no idea. I apologize for my assumptions. Elena I promise never shall loneliness come for you as long as i breathe."
Elena felt warmth, her anger slowly subsiding in his arms. She felt she could trust his words.
Suddenly she pushed away shaking her head as she returned to reality.
"That's enough mushy stuff", she chuckled as she looked away.
James flashed a smile even though she wasn't looking before he put a hand on her shoulder.
"Didn't mean to embarrass you. I just felt horrible for stirring up such feelings in you."
Elena turned and waved her hand at him,"Pfft, it isn't anything i haven't dealt with before."
"That isn't the point. i shouldn't open my mouth nor judged your past as i have without knowing you better."
She shook her head and turned away before slowly walking to the bed and settling under the covers. Her face was all that protruded from the blankets she harbored in her bed. James sighed then made his way to the door. He stopped with his hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Good night. I pray tomorrow brings better to us." With that He opened the door and exited down the hallway before retiring in his own bed.

    The night and half the next day passed without event nor trouble but with something else.  Elena and James could be found in the middle of town in a heated argument.
"And why not?!," exclaimed Elena, her face red with rage.
"You stubborn fox have you not heard? The forest is overflowing with mercenary bands attacking travelers and taking everything they have. Not to mention if you'd have paid attention to the sky you would have noticed the darkness settling in." He pointed to the sky as he glared at her.
"What of it? " she questioned, her voice full of her frustration. "I don't understand..."
"A storm is coming Elena and we cant risk being out in such weather. we would easily get turned around in such blinding rain or get sick due to being drenched. We cant risk it, Just a few more days ok?", he explained as he calmed slowly. "Its for you protection and health i assure you."
She huffed amd put her hands on her hips. "Fine..if such will appease you then we shall stay a little longer. i will say i am unhappy of such."
He knew she wasn't lying being that her face bore her feelings directly. So far on what could be described as a journey, he had noticed that most of the time, Elena didn't hide what she felt but other times she could be confusing and misleading. She was like a child.
"Elena i said i was sorry a million times on the way here. can you not believe me?"
Her face turned to a mischievous smile. "Or would you have us stay here so you can take advantage of a poor young kitsune as myself?". She giggled as she winked.
"That.... well i..." he stuttered as he turned red in the face and turned away from her.
She slowly walked over unbeknownst to him and poked his nose. He looked at her, still red in the face to see her smiling.
"Come on i'm just having a little fun. Calm down." she giggled at him. Suddenly her voice and demeanor changed and she took a more serious stance.
"A child like you is too young for someone like me anyway. You are just a baby compared to me."
James widened his eyes in shocked and shook his head.
"excuse me?" he asked confused."Maybe i'm missing something but am i not older than you? And how dare you call me a baby." His expression took to one of anger,yet not full anger just that of a surprised person being picked at.
Elena spoke softly, " Please. You could never come close to me in age. I have wandered this world for countless centuries and all before me have perished. You are yet a young one in this world and in my eyes you are of no significant age. I was here before you and i shall be long after you have fallen to this land and returned to its dirt."
As she finished speaking her expression softened and she looked around. " James? are you ok? you seem like something has made you mad." She looked in his eyes and her face took a sad turn. "i am so sorry for being mean. i hope that didn't upset you too much. I like this journey we are on and i hope it continues a little longer." She moved closer and, to his surprise and hers,  hugged him gently.
"It.... No worries, i was just caught up in something is all. Nothing of importance." he lied as he shrugged off what had just happened. This was the second time Elena had acted in a way that seemed unnatural to her. What was this talk of him being a young one and her being around after he had died? He was getting more confused by the second. Maybe there was truth to some stories he had been told in his childhood but it seemed a little weird to him. Only time would tell if his thoughts would ring true but he would be sure to find out, he would guarantee his success by sticking by her side until it revealed its true nature.

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