Chapter 3

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Elena watched the whole scene unfold, her nerves a wreck and her hair standing in end. She could not believe Elion had been so heartless, to kill an enemy wasn't clear cut but your own ally, a soldier you commanded was beyond wrong in her mind.
She began to sweat, her furry ears becoming wetter by the second. Elion had made his intentions clear, they were to kill her so she couldn't reveal the cold blooded murder to anyone. Her mind was racing with thoughts of what to do next. If she tried to use her Fox Feet they would catch her before she stamped her foot being that they were moving closer. Elena pondered her options as she sat like a statue, rooted to her place in the bushes.
"I've got to go..but...oh well. I have to try" she stood up exposing herself to the soldiers,spun on the spot and screamed out," Fox Feet!!". As soon as she screamed a soldier shouted out and dove for her but when the soldier looked up she was already
Elena turned after a few minutes to make sure she was a safe distance away. That was her mistake.
No faster had she turned her head then she ran into a giant tree trunk and crumpled to the ground unconscious.
As she lay there dreams danced through her head, dreams of her mother and sister from when she was a young kit. She had looked just like her mother even at a young age as did her sister , being that Elena and Rea were twins. They were playing in the floor of the shack,tiny toys and such scattered across the floor when their mother came in and sighed. They looked up at her, Elena with her ice blue eyes shaded by her fiery orange hair and her sister with her jade green eyes partially blocked by her raven colored hair, knowing what she was sighing about. They had made a huge mess and their mother was frustrated being she had just cleaned up a few hours ago.

"Clean up please. You know better than this. Your father will have a fit if he sees this."

Elena and Rea whined and their ears flatten against their heads but it was no use, their mother knew the tricks and she looked at them fiercely and they quickly complied.

There was a flash and she was now a teenager, not much younger than she was now, her tail had finally grown to be of the huge and bushy variety, its color the same blazing orange as her hair. She turned and saw her sister sitting in the floor, her dark tail in her hands and tears on her face. Arguing could be heard in the other room and Elena slowly slinked toward the door, finally making it and peeking around to find her mother and father furiously arguing.

"I will not leave what i worked so hard to build for that city life." her father hollered.

"Well i am! i can't stand it anymore. There isn't a soul around for miles out here. We have land for as far as we can see, all the way to the Great Divide! I'm leaving Kai."

Her father bristled at such remarks and seemed to then back off. "That is fine... Mika i am sorry it is to end this way. I love you with all my heart and always will. I do hope we can stay married. You are my whole world Mika and the only one i will ever want ." He sighed heavily and dropped his head. "We must let Rea and Elena choose who they will go with. It's going to break their hearts "

Mika nods in agreement and calls for Elena and Rea and in a few seconds they both appear in the room with their parents and look at their feet, neither wanting to look up at their parents.

"As I'm sure you heard.... your father and i are not going to be..well together anymore. We are still a family and your father and i will stay married but we will live in different places. I am sorry you are  being forced to do this but we need to ask a question of you both."

Mika looked to Kai and then to Rea and Elena and sighed. "You can choose who you will stay with. We won't force you one way or the other."

Elena turned to Rea and they exchanged looks before Elena wiped Rea's eyes of tears and then whispered something in her ear and after she finished Rea nodded and a smile formed on both their faces. She turned away from Rea and back to her parents and kept her smile.

"We have decided", she said," that Rea will go with you mother and I am to stay here with you father. No one will have to do without that way and we can always protect you both. We can always visit each other every other week. One week me and dad will come see you mom then the next week you both will come see us."

Their parents looked at each other and then at their children then nodded and her father spoke.

"So it shall be. Isnt it amazing Mika? They came to such a grown up and genius decision when all we could do was bicker. We can learn from them." He turned to Elena and Rea and smiled. " I must say i am proud of you both for such a decision to sacrifice being together as siblings to make your parents happy. You truly are just like your mother." he smiled at Mika and then Mika smiled at him. "And you are both strong for making such a decision, just like your father."

Suddenly the dream faded to black and noises could be heard. Birds chirping and leaves rattling in the wind as it blew through the trees' canopy. Slowly her eyes opened and she was staring up into the sunlit tree branches and leaves. She sat up gingerly and shook her head, stopping as she felt pain.

"Ouch....what the?" she asked herself as she raised her hand to her head and rubs. She feels something warm, wet and thick. Fearfully, she takes her hand off and brings it over her head and in front of her eyes and what she sees scares her. Blood was soaking her hand completely. Panic was setting in but then she remembered her last dream and what her mother had said. "Be strong. Just like Dad" she said aloud to herself, repeating it as a way to pump her up as she slowly clambered to her feet and leaned against the tree. She looked around taking in more of her surroundings when she heard a rustling in the trees and bushes behind her.

She took a deep breath and turned the other way and started to walk, heading into the direction of the sound but not directly. She was trying to make her way by it without disturbing whatever it was. She kept looking over toward the bushes and then quickens her pace to a jog as she hears movement and it seems to be approaching her. Without time to use her speed technique she breaks into a run a way from the sound but suddenly the sounds stop and so does the bush movement. She stops in her track and turns in that direction and sees nothing and starts to be confused.

As she starts to laugh a small animal appears at her feet. "Awww are you lost little buddy?" She picked up the animal and cuddled it in her arms,smiling. "I've always wanted a Kitsel", she exclaimed as she stroked the animals back and then behind its ears. The animal offered no resistance and slowly closed its eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Elena and her new friend started making their way toward what looked like the edge of the woods together happily, her stroking it and it purring softly in its sleep state as it was comfortable in her warm arms. She giggled and continued walking and then the Kitsel jerked its head up and looked around as its ears perked up. Finally its eyes set ahead of them and a fearful chitter was released from its mouth. Elena stared in front of them and squinted.

"What is it? What do you hear? What do you see." she asked as she quivered. She wasn't used to the woods yet and never fully knew what resided in the forest. She looked around but swiftly jerked her head back as she heard rustling then a growl. Her eyes took in a new sight, a beast of black and grey with razor sharp teeth bared at them. Its eyes were red with rage and its intentions were clear, kill the intruders. Elena slowly took a step back from it, the beast just watching her and her Kitsel. The beast stood with its ears reaching to her shoulders, making it almost 6 feet tall standing on all fours and from what she could see its length was 4 feet from nose to tail.

As she took another step back thoughts ran through her mind. "Am i really going to die here after all i have seen. Will i die before i have a chance to get to Runera?" Suddenly the beast took a run at her and leapt at them. She closed her eyes tight and screamed, knowing death was coming.

(To Be Continued in Chapter 4)

Hope you enjoyed. Comments and Votes Appreciated ^_^

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