Ch 5

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Her face turned blood red and she jerked the blanket up and wrapped it around her to cover her delicates.
"W-what is going on? Why are you in bed with me?", she asked as she turned her gaze down to her lap, too embarrassed to look at him.
Her mind was racing with thoughts. Why was he in here and why did her stomach feel light all of a sudden? Oh well she thought as she just threw the last question aside and sat there impatiently awaiting his answer.
"So? Are you going to tell me?"
James looked at her and then rubbed the back of his head with his hand nervously. "I....well you see... I was..." he stuttered, unable to finish a sentence.
Elena couldn't help but laugh at his stuttering, it making her feel a little less tense about the situation.
"I..I'm not mad James. I am just curious as to how you got in and why you would come in with me in my delicates."
She scooted closer to him with the blanket still clutched around her hiding herself and she placed her hand on top of his. She tried to make eye contact but he wouldn't look at her so she reached up and turned his face to hers and smiled as she looked in his eyes.
"Tell me please James."
His cheeks flushed and a shiver shot down his spine as she placed her hand on top of his. Her hand felt warm and inviting on his and his mind started to run with thoughts and curiosity.
Did he really like a girl he had just met? A kitsune at that... He shook it off as a reaction to having female company after so long. Only time would tell. He snapped back to reality and looked up and noticed she was looking at him. At once James blushed and started to feel...weird, an indescribable kind of weird.
"W-well I...." He managed to stutter.
Elena retrieved her hand from on top of his and covered her mouth as she giggled.
"I promise I won't laugh or think you wierd."
"No it's nothing at all I promise you." He said quickly. "I just worried you might be hurt or worse when you didn't answer and then the door busted in when I hit it." He looked down and away from her withdrawing his hand from under hers. "I'm sorry if I mislead you"
Elena smiled and patted his hand," As you can see I am fine, just resting from this long day we have had."
James nodded and stood, crossing to the door. Before he made a full exit Elena called out.
"I apologize for making you worry. I pray you will forgive me", she said with a slight bow.
"Not a problem. Oh by the way", he said gently, " No bowing. Haha. I'm not royalty or anything".
He left and returned to his room flopping on the bed and staring up at the ceiling thinking of what had just happened.
"There's no way I love a Kitsune. Why would I anyway, we just met. "
He shook it off with a laugh and closed his eyes falling fast asleep within minutes.
Meanwhile Elena had gotten up, without dressing, and went to the bathroom. She turned on the faucet and plugged the drain before closing the bathroom door, the only remaining door in the room. Slipping out of her clothes she tested the water with her hand multiple times before deciding it was the right temperature.
She slowly stepped in and lowered her petite frame into the warm water, purring as she felt it wash over her.
She laid her head back and closed her eyes and giggled to herself. The thought of a kitsune in a tub of water was a funny one. She was always told that her ears resembled those of a cat's but cats hated water yet there she sat neck deep in water.
Time seemed to fly by as she relaxed in the warm water and finally after some time she felt a chill dance across the water so she jumped up and out then dried her self. She placed her under clothes back on and jumped into bed and nuzzled down into her pillow and drifted away into a sweet sleep.
She awoke to a shimmering light dancing across her face and the warmth of the sunshine. She sat up and stretched, yawning loudly.
I wonder how James is, she thought to herself. She didn't remember much of last night but she had a strong sense that something weird had happened. Was James involved? And why is her door broken off the.... Then it hit her like a ton of bricks and the memories of last night flooded back.
"I've got to talk to James", she said out loud as she slowly slid to the end of the bed and started slipping on her clothes.
She stood up and made her way out of her room and slinker in and out of the people in the hallway until she reached James' room and, reaching up, knocked loudly in the door.
"James we need to talk."
No answer....
"James?....James I need to talk to you"
She heard a rustling then the doorknob turn. The door opened and there stood James, his hands wiping his eyes as a groan escaped from between his lips.
"Mmmmm...what is it?"
She looked at him and giggled," can I come in?"
James nodded sleepily and stepped aside, allowing Elena to slid in.
"Sit..well I'd say anywhere but the bed is all I've got unless the toilet counts." He and Elena laughed before she moved her hair from her eyes.
"James about last night..", she started but James interrupted quickly.
"Look we talked about this. I got worried and was checking on you. I busted the door in, which I have to pay for..., and I stumbled into bed. I meant no harm I swear."
She looked down and placed her hands on her knees and then looked up smiling.
"Ok that's all I needed to know. Thank you so much." She got to her feet and made her way across the room.
"Thank you for understanding ms Elena."
She shook her finger in the air without turning around.
"No no no sir. Just Elena"

"Then don't call me sir",he said smiling at her.

"We leave in an hour James. Be ready because we have no time to waste. I need to hurry to Illyria."

With that, she went back to her room and packed before heading to the Inn's kitchen and having a hearty breakfast.

A Kitsune's TaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin