Chapter 9

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The next few days in town passed by swiftly and without incident. Elena awoke before the sun did, or anyone else for that matter. Normally she slept a decent amount but she had found it hard to the past few nights. Something felt different to her but she couldn't quite place it. James had acted weird recently as well as she pondered that endlessly each night until she passed out cold from exhaustion.
She wanted so bad to ask him but thought better of it being that she was always taught that if someone wanted you to know they'd have opened their mouth and told you. Keeping her queries to herself proved hard though when they were spending basically every waking hour together but not like you would think. Surely the town's people took their being together in a bad way or a bonded way but it wasn't true. They were acquaintances and nothing more, even friends was a stretch. As she stretched out her hand brushed her head and she noticed something amiss instantly. Her eyes widened as she jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. The second her reflection was clear she screamed bloody murder.
Her precious ears...they weren't the same and her hair. She screamed again as she gently poked her head and ears, checking the mirror for confirmation of her feeling.
Her ears were more pointed, Fox like and the color had completely changed. Her red hair had become a burnt sienna as had her ears except they were copper from the tip down a couple inches. She was in total shock. What had happened and why?
She quickly threw her hood over her head. There was no way James would see her like this, it would ruin her for sure.
She adjusted the hood slightly, her eyes the only thing visible at first glance. She took a deep breath then stepped closer the door taking the knob and turning it slowly.
"Here goes nothing." she muttered to herself and set out towards the stairs leading down to the first floor. She must have seemed paranoid to those around her as she kept looking around and watching behind her, her breathing seeming labored. As she reached the stairs she glided down them, her feet barely touching the ground as she sprinted. Seeing a table open she seated herself and again looked around. No one seemed to be paying attention at the moment but why should she care anyway? They knew nothing of her nor would they care.
Or would they? She asked herself as she pondered the thought. Most would have seen her yesterday and any change in her appearance could arouse suspicion, even see her at the end of a sword, or worse, hanged or made an example of by the kingdoms religious groups. Anything that opposed the God they knew of was dealt with immediately and no mercy was shown. She remembered a woman who saved a child from a rushing river when no one else could bare the current. She was accused of being a witch of sorts and killed on the steps of the church.
It was funny to think though that she had had her outburst with the soldiers in the town before this, yet no one had reprimanded her or seemed to report her.
She laughed at the thought then it occured to her why such actions hadn't occured. They weren't in a religious town when it happened, they were in a town that believed in Spirits and more than the church's God.
Towns like those were rare in certain areas but could be found if you looked.
She was thankful that they had been in a town such as that because if they hadn't.... She shuddered at the thought of what would happen if they had been. Explaining it would've been hard enough seeing as she had no recollection of the events. James would have been hung for crimes against religion just for being associated with her. She couldn't bare that if it had happened, she'd never forgive herself.
She shook her head and sighed as she checked around her again before standing up and making her way to the bar. She needed a drink to calm her thoughts and fast. Nodding to the barkeep she laid down some coin and received a nice size mug of amber brown ale. She lifted it to her lips and drained a third of it in a few seconds before setting it down and taking a breath.
"Ahhhh.. man that's good. Best i've ever had."
The barkeep looked to her and nodded with a smile," Only the best here miss."
Elena nodded back pulling out a few more coins, pushing them toward the man. "Much appreciated."
He took the coins and pocketed them as he refilled the part of her mug that was empty winking.
She gratefully picked up the mug and started drinking again.
"Let this be the day we finally leave and go toward the kingdom. I have so many questions." She thought to herself as the amber ale doused her throat with a chill. She wasn't paying much attention to her color problem anymore nor anything else which is what initiated her surprise.
Someone lightly tapped her shoulder then spoke, "You here alone?"
She jumped at the tap but the voice was familiar. A laugh came from her mouth as she turned to the man who the voice belonged to. "Actually no. My companion is a big strong knight and would be quite jealous if he knew a man was trying to start up a relationship with me as you are." She winked at the man then gave a huge grin.
"Well then i will have to be careful won't i? If he were to see me then i would have to take him on and pray i could best him." The man sat down beside her winking as well as he boomed with laughter.
Elena slapped the man's shoulder and doubled over laughing. "James shut up!", she bellowed. "You really are a funny human. What brings you down here so late in the morning?"
James's face went to one of feigned annoyance," Someone forgot to wake me when they got up which means i over slept."
She set her face to one of false shock," Well whoever could've done that?" She put her hands on her cheeks and gasped.
"You really are a silly cat", he chuckled,"But i must say this is fun so far. Maybe as way of an apology you would..hmmm order me a drink and gladly pay."
She stared at him. "Weeeellll... i don't know. I mean i thought the guy always bought the girl a drink." She grinned at him then sighed. "I suppose i could break proper etiquette just this once and pay for a man."
She produced more of the coins while the barkeep brought James a mug of ale. He gladly accepted the coins after giving James his ale. James took a big swig and then licked his lip where the froth remained. "Now that's good. It's been awhile since i had something as good as this." He lifted his mug to Elena winking and bellowing, "To my companion, the precious kitty." He laughed hard, nearly falling off of his seat. As he returned back to Elena, her gaze told the story.
Puffed cheeks, red in the face, her eyes baring down on him, she was mad, to state the obvious. She liked teasing but to be called a kitty was mean in her book. She kicked him hard in the knee then turned away from him.
"Elena what's wrong? It was just a joke", he asked as he set down his mug and put a hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off with a huff. Swiftly she turned before kicking him again.
"Owwww. Knock it off! Just say what's on your mind", he yelled.
"I told you not to call me kitty again! It is so....UGH!!" she barked at him. "I am not a kitty!!"
Suddenly her demeanor changed, her face less mad but deadly serious.
"Elena i am so sorry.. I was just joking, i meant no disrespect." he apologized, almost pleading her forgiveness. She grunted snapping her head to the side as if unbelieving of his words.
"You expect me to believe such words for a man like you? Your kind lives to ridicule others. Do not lie to me in such a manner is that understood?" She asked in a voice familiar to James. It was the same voice she had when he got called "little one". What is going on with her? he thought silently to himself. She just did a complete turn around in personality.
"I promise i wasn't lying but i need to ask a question of you."
She opened one eye turning to look at him. "Proceed human", she said.
"What is this personality change of yours? I don't get it. You go from sweet to...well you seem to think highly of yourself. It is very unusual."
She snorted " I promise it is nothing of a concern for you. I shall not be here much longer thought." She stated. "I will say i am me and that is all that i am." Her stern face turned to one of a smile, happy as it would seem as she leaned close to James.
"I think i may be developing a liking for you, though i care not to admit it." She winked then sat straight up, her body went limp for a second then a deep breath was taken in and a sweet voice returned.
"Just don't call me kitty please. It hurts my feelings." she said as she wiped her eyes.
All James could do was nod and drink his ale until it was all gone. After a few minutes he sat up straight and spoke softly to her. "What's with the hood? I've never seen you wear one."
She stuttered around in her mind. what would be an acceptable lie? Her mind turned continuously as she tried to produce an excuse. She looked at him then away before revealing her chosen answer.
"I find my ears getting cold around this place so i wear this cloak hood to protect me from the cold." She explained with ease.
That should do it. She was hoping it would at least. If he didn't buy it then she was in definite trouble.
He nodded and stood up. "Completely reasonable. What ever it takes to make sure you are happy." He said with a smile. "Are you ready to head out? We can get some good traveling behind us with this long light we have."
Elena drained her ale before standing up and nodding in agreement. She then rushed to her room and gathered her things. As she finished packing, a small smile appeared on her face. They were finally leaving and moving forward again. What else could be better? She swiftly ran downstairs, everything packed and in hand, to the door. James was already there so she motioned for the door and they walked through it.
"Ahhh it feels good to be traveling again." she said with a long stretch.
"When we leave this town behind and are on that road towards the next town, ill celebrate that thought with you." He giggled as they walked across town to the road leading out.
They finally made it to the road and stared ahead. It looked like the rain that had come a couple days earlier had really hurt the road but at least they were on foot and not horses or in a cart. The traversing of the washed out holes along with the downed branches and rocks that had made their way down the hill beside the road would be murder on a horse or a cart not to mention the driver.
As they set off down the divoted road James looked around. The light shone brightly through the canvas while rustling was heard from the tiny bushes. Every now and then a squirrel or small creature would scurry across their path scaring Elena.
"Ugh... i wish those things wold stop popping out like that", she grumbled aloud," They make me jump and it's aggravating."
James stopped abruptly, laughter bellowing from him. "So a small innocent creature is all it takes to scare a tough, elf fighting kitsune?"
Elena swiftly turned on a dime, her hands on her hips. He had done it now. She was raring back to give him a very stern mouthing off. She drew a deep breath as her chest inflated and then she let loose.
"No you heard me. Why does a little creature scare a killing machine like you? You decimated soldier after soldier in that village. Hell you were bare handed...And you use some sort of power"
She slowly started to calm down but she puffed her cheeks out and growled softly in his direction but as soon as she seemed calm and James started to relax she laid into him once more time for good measure.
"AND HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A KILLING MACHINE.....",She bellowed then her expression softened suddenly. "I'm just an innocent girl...if i did kill those men i really am sorry. I never meant anyone any harm."
He had done it now. Upsetting her was one thing he could not stand to do. Not because he felt bad but only due to the fact he had to look at her pouty face which in turn made him feel like a bully.
Slowly making his way over to her, he pulled out his secret weapon. His hand slowly drifted up above her cloaked head and dropped, landing on her head and patting softly.
"Shush now. You know i meant no harm."
She huffed at him. "Just cause you didn't doesn't mean it didn't come out that way or that it didn't hurt my feelings. You have to remember i am very delicate emotionally. I watched my father murdered in cold blood...."
Her head tilted while a sniffle could be heard from beneath the cloak.
Surely she wasn't crying. He couldn't stand it if she was.
"Please don't cry Elena....please. I apologize a million times over...",He begged as he moved around to her front. What he saw made him realize who he was dealing with. She wasn't crying at all. Her hand raised to her face and slipped across her nose.
"You worry too much hehe", she giggled before continuing," It's just so damp from the rain an the wind stirred up the pollen. Plus im starting to think im allergic to some of the trees or animals."
He sighed,nodding then turning to face the right direction.
"Let's go. We are falling behind as it is and i don't want to be out here when nightfall hits."
Her head jerked up and she nodded. Together they continued walking, each keeping their distance from the other, not too much just enough so they wouldn't bump into each other. That lasted all of an hour before they hit a stretch of road that was torn up so bad that water was standing in the middle of it. James tried to see if he could see the end but he couldn't. Checking it with a branch which had fallen nearby, the water stood almost two and a half feet deep.
James growled," And that's just the edge, there is no telling how deep the middle is and i don't intend to find out."
"Can we not just go around through the forest?" Elena posed to him.
"We could but i'm not too sure of what is actually in the forest through here. It has been ages since i ventured through them and with the recent outbreak of beasts and monsters i would rather not take that chance."
She sighed and shook her head."We have to do something or we will be stuck here when night falls."
"We could always...."
"Don't you even suggest it!" She yelled at him.She knew exactly what he was going to say and it wasn't going to happen.
"There is no way we can go back to that town after traveling this far. What if there are more soldiers searching for us? What can we do then? I csn't activate this godforsaken power at will and there's no guarantee it will unleash when you're getting your guts stomped out."
His eyes widened while his hands lifted up to his chest as if surrendering. In truth he was because she was right.
"ok ok ok. Calm down little Kitten. Don't get your fur all tangled for no reason. You make a good point but we have to do something and soon" he responded. "We can try to navigate the forest but not too far in. I'm not comfortable with this but seems we have no choice."
After coming to an agreement they strayed from the path into the forest. "Should have brought a cart and horse....of all the things.....the could i...." He mumbled in and out while Elena laughed at him.
The darkness of the forest crept in quickly as it became harder to see the deeper they went. The soft, rain drenched ground squished and gurgled under their feet. The gigantic leaves from the trees above every once in awhile would drip water down on top of them. Soon dodging the water and not sinking further into the ground became a came to them..well not them but Elena who was happier than a kitten with a ball of yarn.
She hopped back and forth repeatedly while giggling and talking to the trees.
"Nope. Not this time. Oh no you don't", she laughed as she went to dodge a drop but it popped her right on the nose.
"Wow that drop has better aim than most men i know hahaha" James spurted out.
She turned hurriedly before puffing her cheeks out. "Shut it mister."
He broke out in an even bigger smile as he couldn't help but notice how cute she looked when she was angry or at least pretending to be.
"And if i don't? What are you gonna do?" he prodded her.
With no further response they began walking again. Every once in awhile you would hear one of them shout or curse followed by a squishing noise signaling them dragging their foot from another muddy pit in the ground. James made sure to keep a close eye on her as they continued, after all she was the whole reason he had made the trip to the border in the first place. That wasn't exactly truth but he was her responsibility now and he wasn't going to let something happen to her. She was the only one who saw the acts rebuking the truce between the kingdoms.
With no way to tell exactly what time of day it was, they trekked on even more. Hours passed it seemed and their bodies were finally starting to show signs.
"James carry my bag please. It's so heavy."
He scoffed softly," No you carry your own. I have one of my own plus im wearing these clothes which have added weight for training purposes. You little missy are gonna have to suck it up"
She gasped at his words," Fine.... but can we at least stop for a bit."
"You know we can't...we are behind as it is and need to get around that massive puddle in the road. "
Calling it a puddle was insulting to actual puddles. It was more of a miniature lake in the road. If he couldn't see the end of it then how were they suppose to know when it was safe to get back on the road. James beat his fist against a tree trunk and motioned for her to continue going.
"We should be out of here soon im sure."
Just as he spoke he saw what appeared to be an open area a ways ahead. It seemed to be uncovered by the canopy of trees so that was good. He could get his bearings and try to navigate them through the rest of the forest.
"Look there's a clearing up ahead. Let's get to it and see where we are in this forest. Maybe there is a hidden lake too. I could use some fresh water, this other is really warm."
"Funny coming from a trained soldier. Shouldn't you be conditioned to drink whatever is available and i mean anything?"
He stared at her and feigned a laugh. "Haha very funny. I actually am but i do enjoy some clean coldish water if that's ok with you."
She raised her hands and gave him a look that said 'Whatever you say'.
After their exchange they both took off running across the way. They grew closer and closer to the clearing, their boots making wet noises as they slapped the ground. Panting again and again they crept even closer.
All of a sudden the bright light seemed to fade, a light red shade filling the air.
"W..what..." is all James could say before he glanced over slowly to see where Elena was.
"Elena...don't move." He sputtered. What was going on? This was unlike anything he had seen before. The light changed didn't make any sense. Nothing in the natural world could cause such a phenomenon.
"Elena...bear with me but im sure you already know this isnt natural" was what he pushed out before he was interrupted.
A gruffy voice drowned out James," Well it seems that you two have lost your way."
James looked around for the voice but couldnt see its' owner. Who on earth had any such power to control reality like this, he thought. Something didn't sit right in his head with the voice. It seemed vaguely familiar as he replayed it in his head.
Elena meanwhile was stopped dead in her tracks doing the same as her companion. She shook slightly as she was unsure of who would trap them like this. Rustling noises could be heard in the trees and bushes surrounding them both. They would alternate positions every few seconds. It would seem the voice wasn't alone.
"Show yourself!", James shouted as he placed his hand on his sword squinting into the treeline trying to see who the voice was.
"James...i'm scared...." Elena whimpered.
"Hush. It is going to be ok i promise" he reassured her kindly.
She nodded as her hand slipped to her waist before realizing she didn't have her weapon on her. It was in her bag and she knew fully that if she went for it, it could spook the voice causing an issue. Her hand retreated back down to her side as she scanned the treeline with James.
"Now now now...We shouldn't make demands of those we don't know but then again you never were one to listen to reason. I'm surprised you haven't come after me yet" the voice cackled.
Did the voice just..., he thought to himself. Surely this was just a trick to try to catch him off guard. Still the familiarity of the voice got under his skin. He knew who it was but he couldn't place it to a face or name just yet.
"Who are you and how do you have experience to speak such words to me?"
"Don't tell me you don't remember me. That's a shame... hard to believe you would forget someone who was there for you, who did everything they could for you...." the voice sighed loudly," Then again you left me there... You deserted your own brother, your own best friend to save your own hide!"
James' face showed instant shock at those words. He couldn't find any words. How could it be?

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2017 ⏰

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