Chapter Twenty-Five - Gone

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Jc's POV
Lia and I were driving home from our dinner date, when I noticed some was wrong. The front door was wide open and the house was completely dark.
We parked and ran inside.
"Ethan! Addy!" I yelled.
My voice echoed through the house.
"Very funny! You got us! You guys can come out now!" Lia said.
Nothing. Something isn't right.
"Babe, call 911." I said.
I searched the whole house. No Ethan. No Addy. No Ariana.
The cops came and Lia was a mess. She was uncontrollably sobbing and saying it was all her fault. I tried calming her down, but she would just ignore me. I called Ricky, Jenn, Kian, and Addy's parents and they all rushed over. Addy's parents took it a lot better than I thought. They were calm but upset.
"The front door was pried open with a crowbar. So the children didn't leave." One officer said.
My phone vibrated and it was Connor. He said Nick, Bryan, and Ava were missing.
"Son of a Bitch." I mumbled.
"What's wrong now?" Lia asked.
"Connor just said he had to call the cops because Nick, Bryan, and Ava are gone." I said.
"Oh my god." Ricky said.
Jenn rushed in with Luke, who was luckily just fine.
"Oh thank god." Ricky said, taking Luke.
"What's gonna happen to the kids?" Kian asked.
"I don't know. I just hope they're ok." I said.
Ethan's POV
I woke up in a cold, dark room chained to a wall. I looked around and Addy, Nick, Bryan, and Ava were chained to the walk. I saw a crib and heard Ariana lightly snoring. Thank god she's ok.
"HELP! HELP!" I yelled as loud as I could.
I heard footsteps and smiled. My smile was wiped off when 2 people in dark clothes rushed in. One had a black mask on and was really tall. The other had black hair, blue eyes, and had giant muscles.
"Shut the fuck up before we rip your throat off!" one said.
The other kicked my stomach and I winced in pain. Boy I sure did miss getting kicked in the stomach (sarcasm).
"Ethan are you ok?!" Addy asked, who was across the room.
I nodded and they ran to her. They slapped her and bent her wrist back.
"Leave her alone!" I yelled.
This woke up everyone else and they started beating us one by one.
"Let's get something straight. You shut up or we kick the crap out of you. Try to escape and you get tortured. Talk back and you get beat. Understand?" one of them said harshly.
We all just nodded. They laughed and left.
"Are all of you okay?" I asked.
All of them nodded except Ava.
"It's okay Ava. We're gonna be ok." Addy said.
Ariana started crying and I tried getting up, but then remembered I'm chained. She kept crying and there was nothing I could do about it.
One of the kidnappers came in and went to the crib.
"Shut up you piece of shit!" he said.
"Leave her alone!" I yelled.
He looked at me and walked over slowly. He punched me in the nose and I felt bliss trickle down my face.
"I'll do whatever the fuck I want." he said.
He slapped me and left. Ariana was still crying. So was Ava and Addy. Bryan just stared at the floor. Nick and I looked at each other and I saw a tear fall down his face. I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes. I just want to go home...
Sorry for the short chapter! I'm not quite sure what else to write. Please leave me some ideas! Thx!

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