Chapter 14-Secrets Revealed

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Ethan's POV
I get home and I start worrying about Nick. He's been acting super strange and has had a lot of bruises on his face lately. I decide to go over to his house and make sure he's ok.
I go downstairs and Ricky is on the couch with Kian.
"Hey can one of you guys take me to Nick's? He's been acting strange and I want to make sure he's ok." I said.
"I'll take you." Ricky said.
He grabbed his keys and we got in his car. We drove to Nick's, which only took 10 minutes.
I ran out of the car and up to his front porch. I knocked and no one answered. Then I heard someone screaming and crying. It sounded like Nick's brother.
"Something's wrong!" I yelled.
I ran to a bush and found the spare key Nick told me his dad kept. I quickly unlocked the door and ran inside.
"Bryan! Nick! Ava!" I yelled.
"Help!" I heard someone yelled, follows by a belt whipping and crying.
"Who the hell is in my house!!??" someone yelled.
I looked around and saw Nick on the floor, bloody and still.
"RICKY CALL 911!" I yelled.
I ran upstairs to the screaming. I saw Nick's dad beating Ava and Bryan also on the floor, bloody and still.
"Who the hell are you!! Get the f*ck out of my house!!" Nick's dad yelled.
"Leave them alone!!!" I yelled running towards him.
I tried to tackle him, but just ended up falling backwards. I felt something kick me on the side of my head and a wave a pain over my face.
I tried getting up, but he knocked me back down with a punch to the guts and another kick in the head. I heard sirens and I collapsed to the floor. I saw Ricky and about 5 paramedics and 4 cops run in.
That's all I saw...then everything went black.
1 Day Later
I woke up in a hospital bed. Dad, Kian, Lia, Ricky, Jenn, and Addy were surrounding my bed.
"Thank god you're awake!" Dad said.
"Wh-what happened?" I asked.
"Turns out Nick's dad has been abusing him and his siblings for the past 3 months. Their mom has cancer and is dying. The dad has been blaming the kids for it." Dad explained.
"The cops came and now he's in jail. The little ones are hurt, but not as much as Nick." Kian said.
"Where is Nick?!" I asked, almost yelling.
They looked down.
"Tell me!" I yelled.
"He isn't doing too well buddy. His dad beat him pretty bad. He has 2 broken ribs, one arm and leg broken, multiple bruises and cuts, and a bad head concussion. He' a coma." Ricky said.
I lost it. I cried and cried. Lia pulled me into a hug. I accepted and cried I to her shoulder.
"It's ok. He'll be fine." she said, rubbing my back.
"I need to see him." I sobbed.
"I don't think that's a go-" Dad started.
"Let me see him!!" I yelled.
"Ethan calm down." he said.
"Please, just let me see him." I sobbed.
He hesitated and called a nurse. They talked for a second and the nurse nodded.
"C'mon let me get you into a wheelchair." She said.
She helped me in and pushed me into the intensive care unit. She passed a couple of beds until she stopped at one.
Nick laid there, broken. He was covered in casts, bandages, bruises, scratches, and he was barely moving.
"O-oh my god." I said, tears falling down my face.
"It's ok buddy." Dad said.
I didn't reply. I just looked at Nick. My best friend.
"The doctor said if you hadn't gone over to his house, found him, and called an ambulance, he'd be dead." the nurse told me.
"You saved him." she continued.
"Barely." I said.
No one said anything else. I just sat there, waiting for Nick to wake up. He has to wake up...he just has to...
Sorry! Short, crappy chapter and I haven't updated in forever! I'll try to update more!

Jc Caylen Adopts A TeenWhere stories live. Discover now