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it was the morning of a new day, sasha had been feeling off today. she was sick. she had been throwing up all morning, having a temperature and the worst headache to be known. she phoned harry and asked him to bring her some groceries as she had nothing in her apartment and couldnt be left to leave to go shopping herself, not in that shape or form. she had been feeling pain in the lower right of her stomach, she had been wondering why the pain was so bad. she couldnt walk, and was always holding it down to not reveal any more pressure or pain on the area.

harry kane :)


arriving soon with things is ur apartment open? X


yeah and thanks harry xx


she heard the sound of her apartment door opening wide as things were being placed on the counter in the kitchen. ''its only me, you shouldnt really have a free door open alone to be honest'' he said as he laughed. '' so how are you doing'' he asked as he knew she wasnt feeling well, he could see on her face she looked puzzly sick.

her face look  drowned and nauseus. he got her some maccies and placed it on her side bed ,along with some ice cream and drinks in her mini fridge in her room. he left as soon as he gave her the items but was returned to her room as she called for him. ''harry i have a question'' she replied barely being able to speak.

"I have really bad pain here can you check what it is' and as he checked he immediately knew it was appendicitis. her stomach was swollen, well only the right lower side on the  appendix, as he had gotten it removed when he was younger.

He called a doctor to be send a permission slip to be able to enter the hospital as getting in is impossible without an inquiry from the doctor for covid safety reasons as they were packed from covid patients and injuries.

He had driven her to the hospital immediately seeking for help. He was afraid it would burst.He had been panicking, only god knew what his heart rate were.

These things get serious and need to be surgically removed. He had called for a doctor and she had soon been put into a room, Sasha didn't even know what was going on.

She had just been put onto a bed and was lying down, with Harry sitting in a chair next to her, trying to explain to her that she was going to be put asleep soon for her surgery."What surgery, she exclaimed nervously" As she hated those type of things. She hated the fact of being put to sleep as it scared her that she would never wake up.

Four hours went by, surgeons came roaming into the room prepared for surgery. They had explained the procedures and steps of how this was going to work. She had calmed down and was ready as never. They put her to sleep and slowly started the operation.

Harry Kanes POV

my bestfriend had been in surgery for 38 minutes to be exact, all that was on my mind was her surgery as I was praying it would go well.

These things always backfire, just like mine did.My heart beat didn't feel normal. I had to be at training in 4 hours. Debbi's surgery was going to be done in time, but I couldn't leave her alone here. Incase something happens or she requires something.I had been sitting in the waiting room, worrying my ass of like an idiot.

Time was ticking and all I was waiting for was for the surgery to be over so I could see her face. I knew she was going to have to stay here for a while, and wouldnt be back to things for a few weeks till she fully recovered.My phone had been going off like crazy, so I went to check my dm's when suddenly Mason had been texting me .

[Mason Mount]


Hey Harry, do you know where debbi is. Not replying to my texts or calls.

Harry is typing...


harry had explained everything to Mase, and how Deb was in surgery and how they found out she had serious appendicitis. Mason was worried asf, he made his way slowly to the hospital to be there for Deb once she woke up. They weren't on good terms but that didnt mean not being there for eachother at a crisis like this,

It was basic human knowledge that everyone should know. He had parked his car outside the big building known as the hospital. Holding a bunch of roses he had made his way inside where he met Harry, sitting in the waiting room.

The surgery still hadnt been done, well atleast they thought so. On the 87th minute of Debbi's surgery, her surgeon had came out of the room,aswell as the rest leaving, as Debbi had just been woken up.

He had signalled the two gentlemen to enter to see the poor girl.Debbi was half asleep, so she didnt care that Mason was here.She had practically died and woken up again, as so she felt like that anyway.''It was an intense surgery, but I think we got through it'' the surgeon sighed as he puffed some air into his mouth removing his gloves and outfit and putting it in the bin next to the two boys.

The surgeon had left to leave the two boys alone with Debbi to confront her back to normal as it is difficult after surgery. The feeling was rough and not exactly appetizing for someone to go through. Harry and Mase had been sitting in two chairs next to Debbi waiting for her to finish her doze off. ''She's fully awake'' harry responded as he stared into her eyes. ''hey guys'' debbi said in a tired voice. ''how are you feeling'' mason said in a very worried state.

A few hours had passed, and Harry had left as he had to go to Spurs training. With that being said it was just Mase and Debbi, as Mase didnt have training that day so he was able to stay with her and mind her. 'Can I get you anything' he said as he slowly got off the chair, ''Can I get some water please , im thirsty and theres none in here'' she said as she was in pain after surgery.

As she made a few movements in her hospital bed even more pain arrived. ''Ugh for fuck sake and this stupid surger-'' and she hadnt finished her sentence as Jack Grealish had came into the room. he laughed as he looked at the girl who got mad in pain.'You feeling alright love' as he bent down to the hospital bed to hug her, handing her some flowers as he placed them next to her hospital bed aswell as a cute little teddy to comfort her, Making her smile , '' omg jack its so cute , thank you'' she said with a big smile on her face.

Mason had soon walked into the room once again, 'heres the water'' he said as he confusingly looked at the english teammate sitting in her room.'Hey mase what you doing here'' jack said.''could say the same'' he'd sarcastically laughed to his teammate.

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