be my boyfriend!

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Was i not safe? Somebody wants to kill me? Am i that expansiveee? Pfftt~~
I thought to myself and smiled at jaehyun...

After some minutes we arrived at home...we were so tired we straight went to our rooms....

My room was on the second floor ... I went to my room and took out the comfortable clothes from the closet and put them on and lay down on my bed.

I was very happy today ..... he was very close to me and we ate together ..... but why does he want to protect me? Since my parents died i live alone and i am alright nothing happened to me back then so why now?.....

I was just thinking when I heard a knock on my door ... I looked at the door and then the door opened and jaehyun came inside Quietly...

I smiled at him and he lay down on the bed with me...

"what happened?"
I asked him and he hugged me and said

"I'm tired ... I just want to rest for a while"...

I took a sheet from under our legs and put it on top of him ... and he fell asleep....He is very gentle ... how can anyone be so beautiful?..I hugged him too and fell asleep.... He was warm~~~

In the morning when the sun's rays fell on my eyes I woke up ... but I felt the weight on my chest ... I woke up and opened one eye and saw that jaehyun was sleeping....

I gently lifted his head from my chest and put it down ... he looks very sweet while sleeping ... I bent down a little and kissed his forehead....

He opened his eyes and I jumped out of bed in embarrassment and ran away....
I ran out of the room and leaned against the wall...

I was laughing with my eyes closed when suddenly a hand came and pulled me inside....

Then he pushed me against the wall and came close to my ear and said "Why are you shy?"

I got goosebumps when he said that....and then he kissed me on the lips...

He then put one of his hand on my hips and my hands went into his hairs ... I grabbed his hair in my fist and he picked me up on his lap and took me to bed....

Our kiss deepened ... when he dropped me on the bed and lay on top of me...
Then our lips parted and he smiled and said

" ayy taeyong be my boyfriend!"

Oiiiiiiiiii peopleeeee~~~~
Party party yeahhhhh

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