08 Gentleman

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  Ι tried to dress well because the boys were annoying.
  They kept telling me that I should look like a gentleman and of course act like one in front of her as if it was the first time I would go out with a girl. I had to impress her, they said.
  It's indeed been a while since the last time I've been out with a girl but was surprisingly clam.
  I wore a suit but decided not to overdo it by wearing a tie or even a bow tie so it was a simple black suit with nice corduroy black pants, my favorite pair. And of course shiny black shoes just like a real gentleman would look like. I also put on that perfume that Hobi bought me from Malta which smells really good. 
  "Don't dare to forget the flowers." Jin told me. When I checked my stuff, I left the apartment and took Jungkook's car that he gladly gave to me to pick up Iori from her workplace.
  Since I don't own a car I sometimes I take Jungkook's car or Jimin's. After a while I arrived at her workplace and I was greeted by the receptionist.
  She kindly told me to wait in the waiting room and I sat down on the comfortable beige couch.
  After five minutes she came out, waved the receptionist and secretariat goodbye and she then noticed my presence.
  "Oh Taehyung, how long have you been waiting?" she asked me embarrased and I chuckled.
  "Only five minutes, don't worry." I answered. "Shall we go?" she asked me and I nodded my head. We then left and I took her to the Mercedes Benz that was waiting outside her office. I took out my keys and opened the car.
  "Nice car." she commented. "It's not mine but I appreciate the compliment." I told her.  I opened the door for her and she sat in the passenger's seat.
  "Do you have any plans for tonight?" she asked excited while looking at my direction after driving for five minutes. "I do have a plan but it's going to be a surprise." I said while while driving. Looking in front of me and not in her eyes. She just smiled and was excited.
  "We're here." I told her after 10 minutes of driving. She looked outside the windows. "Taehyung where are we?" she asked me.
"That's Cheonggyecheon." I parked the car, got out and opened the door for her.
  As we were walking we came in contact with a huge fountain and we both halted. 
  We were looking at the beautiful view of the colors that the fountain had, it was magnificent. At some point, I decided to look at Iori to see her reaction. She seemed enchanted, excited and happy, something that created a knot in my stomach.
  "It's so pretty, isn't it?" I asked her. "Not just pretty, amazing!" She suddenly looked my way, looking me right in the eyes with a sweet smile on her face, but the visions were more powerful, my imagination had reached it's heights. I panicked when I realised the eye contact and looked away shyly and she chuckled.
  We sat down at a bench and looked at the river. Cheonggyecheon at night is incredible. I thank my grandparents for bringing me here when I was little.
  We eventually left the park and went at the restaurant that Iori made a reservation for us as a surprise. It was unexpeted but I decided not to talk about it, she looked really excited while I looked as I if I was doing chores.
  We stepped inside the restaurant and it looked expensive, expensive utensils, expensive furniture and expensive food.
  The restaurant was not made for someone like me but I didn't want to offened Iori because I bet it was hard for her to make a reservation at such place like this. Not to mention that the place was full with people, rich people.
  Only the table that we were going to sit was the empty one and there was a queue outside the restaurant and that made me scrach my neck nervously.
  "This way sir and madam, follow me." the waiter told us politely and showed us the table where we would eat. We both sat opposite each other in a round table.
  Another waiter came to our table, took our order and left kindly. "So? What do you think about this place? Do you like it?" she asked me with a big smile on her face.
  "Of course I do, but it screams expenisve." I told her honestly, worried about my poor ass pocket. "Oh don't worry, I'll be the one who will pay anyway." she casually said.
  "What? There's no way I'll let you pay, men are supposed to do these things."
  "No, you're wrong here. I personally think that men and women have equal rights so it would be a pleasure if you let me pay." I gave up and said "Fine, if that's what you want."
  She kept talking and talking but it felt like she was on mute. I couldn't concentrate or hear a single word she was saying.
  The only thing I was able to focus on was her face, Hyunjae's face looking at me straight in my soul.
   I could feel that she was still speaking about something but I started having goosebumps from shock.
  I kept seeing her.
  Ι panicked and got up from the table without informing anyone and left the restaurant running away from her while Iori was still talking.
  "...but I told her- Taehyung? Taehyung, where are you going?'
  She didn't expect this and didn't know what to do or react somehow.
  In her agony, she got up and ran after me shouting my name.
  The people that were waiting outside of the restaurant were basically staring at us just like every other person who was passing by.
  While I was running I checked behind me and saw her face again but the voice that was coming out of her mouth was definitely Iori's, that's for sure.
  "Get away from me!" I yelled still running, not daring to look behind me again. She wasn't that far away from me. Her voice was desperate, sad and confused.
  "Taehyung, wait!" she shouted but she didn't get an answer from me.
  I was running like a mad guy.
  She stopped running, stopped following, stopped trying.
  She saw me running away and disappear into a distant alley, causing me to lose sight of her. She decided to dial Jin's phone number and waited for him to pick up, but he didn't.
  She tried again one more time but still no answer by him.
  She left a big breath escape her mouth she didn't realize she was holding.
  She decided to go home, she had no other choice than to go home.

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