10 Wound

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  I called a taxi and sat down at a bench to wait for it. I can't stop recalling the last 20 minutes.
  Taehyung running away and shouting "Get away from me!"
  I'm thinking of stopping our conferences for good. I will suggest him a better colleague and I'm sure he will be just fine. It's for the better. For both him and me.
  It was such a stupid idea of me to go out with a customer that I'm aware he's not good psychologically.
  It's against the contract but I still did it, I'm ashamed of myself. I'll call Jin tomorrow to let him know of my decision.
  I saw the taxi coming my way and it stopped right in front of me. I opened the door and got in.


  "911 what's your emergency?"

  "There's a man with a knife in Seocho-gu!" I heard a woman saying with a terrified voice.
  "Miss, are you injured?" I asked her typing everything she's saying while trying to track the girl's location.
  "No, no I'm not." she said while trying to control her breathing. "Miss, I need you to stay calm and tell me where you are right now." I told her.
  "I'm outside a restaurant at Banpo-daero 39-gil. He's injured on his knee." I heard her say.
  "Okay, stay where you are. We're gonna send someone over right now. Okay? Don't hang up until you hear police sirens." I told her and put her in line.
  I was about to call Donwoo but I remembered he's in Daegu. I called the chief, I informed him about the whole situation and asked him to send a patrol car to this specific address.


  "This is Seo Jiho. I have a female, the male's not in the alley, no injuries on her." I said to the chief who was waiting for my answer at the other side of the phone.
  "Miss, tell me what's going on." I told the girl. She was freezing and her face was puffy and you could tell she was crying.
  "I was on my way home when I heard a man whining in pain. I approached him and went on my knees to help him when I saw his knee bleeding. I asked him if he's okay he started screaming "This is a dream" and "You're not real, leave me alone!" and stuff like that. I tried explaining him that I just wanted to help him with his injure since I'm doing my master's degree as a nurse. Suddenly he started cursing me saying I was dead. He then took his knife out of his pocket and said something so traumatizing that will stay in me forever."
  "What was it?" I asked her curious.
  "I've killed you once. I can do it again!"

  "I immediately stood up and ran away from him."
  "You should have done that by the time he said the first sentence. You shouldn't have even approached him in the first place. Do you know how dangerous it is for a woman these days to wander outside at such an hour?" I told her. I know she felt bad about what she did but I also know she did it because she wanted to help. We don't deserve these type of people.
  "I'm sure he was so drunk he stumbled and fell." I told her while being cool and had no worries in my head.
"What about the things he told me? What if he's some type of a murderer?" she asked me and I laughed in her face.
  "No need to panic miss. What this man said and did has already been filed along with other similar cases like this, please rest in the hands of the police and let us do our job as we know and have learned."
  "Yes officer, excuse me." she said and left with her head bowed in shame.
  "Hey Daesong stop what you are doing, we came here for no nothing. He was just a drunk man, nothing terrible." I told my colleague.
  "Finally, I'm so exhausted man." he said and stretched his body.
"I've been fasting since morning, I haven't even had lunch."
  "Wanna go grab something to eat?" I suggested him.

"Sorry Jiho, my wife has been waiting for me all this time." he turned me down. "It's okay, see you tomorrow." I told him and went home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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