💙Chapter 6 - Stuck for a week💜

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Honestly I really hate the thought of love but that's because I havent had the best experience. I'm trying my best. Also if you need someone to talk to you can talk to me. I know some people aren't at the best right now.


Warning Mature Content
Slight Mention of Blood

It was the middle of winter so we all got snowed in. My mum and brother were at my grandfather's so I was home alone. 'Great' I remembered Rascals words. "I get you in the weekends."

"Great now Rascal wont have to worry about bringing me back for a week." "What'd you say princess?" "*SCREAMS*" "Sorry. But you said I have you all week now didnt you?" "Umm. Yeah. Theres no point lying you already knew didnt you."

Rascal POV:

I grabbed Chloe by the hand and we teleported to my Circus. "Get changed. Your soaking and I dont want you sick." "Where?" "Here. Where else? Theres nowhere else for you to change but here."

After that
(honestly cant be bothered writing about that)

She finally finished changing and walked out. "Since you only got 1 punishment last week you get 2 this week. Pick 2 cards this time." (The 3 punishments are for. 1. Calling Nogo and him names. 2. For the question she asked about his mask. 3. Asking why he was doing this. R.I.P. Chloe.)

Card 1. Neck kisses and normal kisses. Card 2. Doing whatever I want for a day. Card 3. A SPECIFIC SPECIAL Dance. Card 4. You control me for a day.

"I'll pick card 2 and card *." (I ain't letting you know yet) "Good choice princess. For me atleast." We teleported back to Chloe's house into her bedroom. I looked around her room for a bit.

No one POV:

Rascal turned around to face Chloe then pinned her down to her bed. He started kissing her neck trying to find her sweet spot. Once he did he started sucking her neck. Chloe started making the sweet sounds that Rascal loved.

In the morning

Chloes neck was covered in red marks. Some even had a bit of blood dripping out of them. Rascal was pleased he had gotten what he wanted. Chloe. She was exhausted who knew a Joker could make you so tired.

Rascal sat up and got up over Chloe again pinning her down. "2nd round?"(yes I know people say this for different things but he means him kissing her.)

Nothing. Chloe didnt even move. So Rascal started again. He connected their lips and only let a couple seconds for air. Chloe sat up and moved so her back was on the wall.

With Chloe agaisnt the wall Rascal could do more. He put his hand on her shoulder while the other went up her back pushing her forwards. It pushed her straight into the kiss.

They stayed like that for ages. Until Rascal moved his hands. One to Chloe's waist and one under her top up and down her back. Chloe didn't mind that much. She put her arms around his neck pulling him closer.

Chloe POV:

'Why is this so normal but so different.' "R-rascal" I felt his hand go up and down my back. It was cold but the feeling if him made it seem warm.

"Yes princess." "H-how are we like this? Were enemies." He stopped for a second then continued. He didnt want to answer. He started kissing my neck and reached my sweet spot.

I let out acouple faint moans as he sucked on my neck. He then started biting and that's when I lost it. "Princess. I want you to know this time was for insulting me and Nogo."

'So it was just because of that. Maybe I'll insulate them more.' He went back kissing me and stealing my words. "Rasc- I need to- school wor-." I gave up at that point.

"Rascal I have school work." 'Please dont stop I only said it so you would make me want to stay.'

Rascal POV:

'So she has school. Oh well she can do it later.' "To bad princess. I'm not done with you yet."

No one POV

Rascals hand went from Chloe's waist to her leg. She was wearing her uniform because Rascal wouldnt let her change last night. He started rubbing her leg and occasionally pinching her to make her scream a bit.

This was what he wanted. Even tho he desired more she wasnt ready and no means no. He knew she was comfortable with this. Chloe was comfortable she might of even enjoyed it more.

Chloe POV

Rascals hand was on my leg. He knew I was comfortable with this but I'm glad he knows what no means. Some people dont. (NOT ALL PEOPLE AND IM NOT JUST MEANING BOYS I SWEAR. ITS BOYS AND GIRLS SOMETIMES.)

2 days later - during chloes school time
Online school. Camera on. Mic on.

It was halfway through the day and I already missed Rascal. We had only been stuck for 3 days but we got close real quick. I had to sit in a zoom call all day.

Poor Rascal. He doesn't have any entertainment, doesn't know how to cook. Nothing. Everytime I got up for bathroom breaks I would go downstairs to Rascal. Quickly make food and he'd give me a kiss.

Not the best way of doing it but it worked. The only bad thing was I didnt get much sleep. During the day I had school but during the night I was Rascals.

He cared for me and asked if I needed sleep but I rejected it. I was getting enough sleep but I was just still a bit tired. It's like having a child.


Finally the end. I have been writing for 4 hours.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. It is 11pm I'm tired. I need sleep. Hope you enjoyed.

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