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Trigger warning: homophobic slurs. If you dont wanna read it, you dont have to. But it still comes with a TW.

You and Jade are walking down the road together holding hands.

"Is that Jade Thirlwall? I didn't know she was gay." A girl says.

"Oh no I'm not. I'm Bi." Jade says.

"But your girlfriends gay. Yeah?"

"Yeah but what does it matter?" Jade asks.

"You're Bisexual and dating a girl. Doesn't that make you gay?" She asks.

"No. She's Bi. But she's more attracted to women. What's the issue?" You ask.

You pull Jade away from the toxicity comin from that bitch.


You stop.

"Y/n please. Just ignore it." Jade says.

She tugs at your hand. You both start walking.

"You faggots just gunna ignore me?"

You can slowly feel yourself getting angrier. Jade tries to soothe you. She lightly runs her thumb up and down the back of your hand. It usually works.

The girl walks up to you and shoves Jade. You let go of Jade's hand and grab the girl. By her jacket.

"Touch my girl again. Call Jade a faggot again. Call me a Faggot again. I swear to fucking god i will make you wish you didn't. Okay?"

You let go of her and shove her. Jade holds your hand and you both keep walking.

"You two fags are gunna burn in hell! God hates you both for your sins!"

Jade squeezes your hand and wipes away a tear.

"I'm gunna call the police. It's a hate crime. She'll get arrested for it."

You call the police. Then you turn to the girl and shove her to the floor.

"You need to shut the fuck up." You say.

She stands up and walks over to Jade. She shoves her and looks directly at you.


You swing at her. The police show up. You hug Jade. She's crying. The girl cries and starts acting like the victim but like 8 other people walk out and tell the police that she was harassing you both.

When you both get home, you both cuddle in bed. You gently soothe her until she falls asleep.

In simple terms. HOMOPHOBIA IS NOT FUCKIN OKAY! Okay? If you're on my account and you are a homophobe, you needa fucking leave. Aight? You needa fucking leave. Okay? Simple. Get the fuck out.

Homophobic assholes....

Love yall :)

Jade Thirlwall Imagines Book 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя