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You're a baker. You bake for the school near your house for after school and sell everything for 30p each. Cheap but when people buy in bulk, you gain a lot of money. There's people who babysit after school and collect the kids who wind up babysitting about 12 kids. 12 kids, 1 bun each, × 30p per bun = £3.60.

The school has agreed to let you do this so if you get told to move, you have the school's permission.

As of right now, you're stood in your kitchen baking. You're baking alone but there is this one mum who catches your eye every time she brings her little girl. You have an idea that she might have a crush on you because the one day you weren't there, she actually called you. She found your number some how. Plus she's literally always buying buns.

When school finishes, they all flock towards you. You stand for a solid 45 minutes selling cupcakes and buns and cakes. Since it's Tuesday, you stay longer because of after school drama, art and music classes.

The classes get let out and all the kids barrel off towards you.

"Y/n!! Y/n!!"

"Hey guys."

The woman, called Jade, walks over to you with the other mums.

"Thanks for hanging back Y/n." One of the mums says.

"You guys are my best customers. You always buy the most. Plus these guys love me. And my cupcakes." You say.

"You're the bestest!"

You all laugh.

"Thank you. Now off you go." You say.

"Bye bye Y/n!"

They all run off. You put your stuff away and start packing up. All the tubs are empty.


You turn and see Jade.

"Hey. Where's your daughter gone?"

"She's going to her friends house tonight. Can i talk to you?"

You nod and sit in your boot. You pat the spot next to you. She sits next to you.

"What's up?"

"I need some advice. I hear you're quite good at advice."

"Go for it. What's your problem?" You ask.

"I have feelings for someone. And i need a little advice on how exactly i tell this person that i have feelings for them without this person never wanting to speak to me again." Jade says.

"Well, there's nothing really i can say about this person never wanting to speak to you again because if this person decides that's how they feel then that's how they feel. You cant really do anything about that. But the best way you could go about it is just being straight forward. Something like 'hey, i like you and honestly if you hate me for it then there's nothing i can do about it but i hope you understand.' Something like that." You say.

She nods.

"Thank you. Hey can i have your number?"

"Yeah of course."

You swap numbers.

"I know this really beautiful spot to watch the sunset if you wanna come with me." You suggest.

"You dont mind? I love watching the sunset."

"Wouldn't suggest if i minded. Come on."

You both climb out of the boot. You shut it and you both get into the car.

"I'm gunna dip home real quick. Drop off this stuff. I'll be 10 minutes at most." You say.

Jade nods. When you finally pull up on the hill, you both get out of the car and sit in the boot. Just watching the sun. She's layed back against you with her head on your shoulder.

"The person i like is you." Jade says.

You frown.


She nods.

"Yeah. You." Jade says.


"Because you're amazing. You're pretty. You're great with kids. You're funny. You're sweet. You're an amazing human being. I mean you put so much time and energy into making buns and shit for kids after school. You're just an amazing human being." Jade says.

You smile.

"You're cute." You say.

She goes bright red. She sits up and looks at you. She places a quick and soft kiss on your lips. She then lays down with her head in your lap. You smile and go bright red while you pull your fingers through her hair. All went well after that.

You both got together and Jade and her daughter moved in with you. Happily ever after.

Thoughts? No idea where the idea came from. Byeee :)

Jade Thirlwall Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now