The mafia boss

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You walk into your house and see a note pinned to the living room door.

She's mine now Y/n. Even if you get to her you'll be too late. She'll be dead.

You run around the entire house. When you dont find her, it sends you into an extreme angry frenzy. You call your boys and get your gun and some extra ammo. You get into your car and your boys show up. They follow your car. When you get to the building, you all get out of the cars and go to the front door.

You kick the door in and pull out your pistol.


One of your boys stops you.

"Behind that door. John and his men. All hidden."

"My wife is behind that fucking door. I dont care. We burst in and we get her back." You say.

"Yes boss."

Mike bursts through the door. You all run into the room and take down all of John's men.

You run over to Jade and check for a pulse. It's weak.

"Call an ambulance. And the police."



They call for police and an ambulance.

"Keep Jade safe. Tell the police to go down this hallway."

You go down the hallway and go find John. You find him and shoot the back of his leg. He falls. You run over to him and put the gun against his head.

"You took MY WIFE now you're gunna pay!"

"Y/n I-"

You shoot him in the arm. The police run and arrest him. You run back and get into your car and follow the ambulance to the hospital. When Jade wakes up, you go into her room and she sits up against the wall.


You reach to grab her hand but she flinches away.

"Okay. I wont do that. What happened?"

"Y-you.... h-he..... i-i...."

She breaks. You hug her and comfort her while she cries. You gently run your hands through her hair. When she's eventually calm, you sit back and look at her.

"What happened baby?" You ask.

"H-he....he to-took me a-and h-he-he..... he touched me.... i-in places i only let you touch me. A-and he hurt me.... really bad...." Jade says.

You clench your fists. She notices this and gets scared. She sits a little furhter back. You immediately unclench your fists.

"Baby, i swear to you, I'll get payback for what he did to you. He wont get away with it. I promise. Me and the boys will get him and whatever the fuck is left of his men back for doing what they did to you. They will not get away with this." You say.

You stand up and start angry pacing. It's something you do.

"A-ar-are you gunna kill them?" Jade ask.

You look at her.

"What would you like me to do to them? Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it." You say.

She looks at you and bites her bottom lip in a thinking way.

"M-maybe you could hurt them... bu-but not kill them! Please dont kill them...." Jade says.

"You dont want me to kill them? Jade what they did to you is unacceptable and you want me to let them live?! I know i said you could tell me what you want me to do but if i let them live then I'll feel like I've let you down and i dont want that feeling on my shoulders. They took you, my wife, from my home and did absolutely disgusting things to you. I'm not allowing that at all Jade." You say.

She looks you directly in the eyes, nothing but fear, anxiousness and a little bit of happiness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry i yelled. I didn't mean to. If you want me to hurt him but let him live, I'll do that. Anything for you baby." You say.

You sit down on her bed and pull her into a hug. One of your boys walks in.

"What's the plan boss?"

"I spoke to Jade and she wants him hurt but not dead. Strictly not dead." You say.

"But boss-"

"HEY!" You yell.

Jade and your boy jumps.

"I'm in charge! When i say you do something, you fuckin do it! Alright?!"

He nods.

"Yes ma'am."

He leaves. You look at Jade. She's shivering.

"Are you cold baby?" You ask.

She nods. You both get under the bed sheet and she cuddles up into you.

"A-are you.... are you ever gunna.... like.... hurt me?" Jade asks.

"What? Baby no of course i wont. Why would you think that? I wouldn't ever." You say.

"I just.... it scares me when you get like that with your boys. It... it makes me think that if i talk to you while you're mad you're gunna hurt me." Jade says.

"Baby no. No I'd never do that to you. I love you. And i will always protect you. I'd never hurt you." You say.

She nods and snuggles herself up into you. And you both fall asleep.

Jade Thirlwall Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now