#47 Mick Schumacher-[Night Changes]

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inspired by Night Changes by One Direction

Christmas eve...

You take your purse and look at yourself in the mirror. You wore the red dress that Mick gave you, and you wore another layer of a wool coat. 

"Y/n! Mick is here," your mum shouted from downstairs.


Once you wore your shoes, you went downstairs, and your mum started staring at you.

"What mum,"

"Change, go, I'll find you an excuse for Mick," your mum frowned and said

"I like this dress, there's nothing wrong," and you straightly going to the door, insisting from your mum.  When you open the door, seeing Mick wearing the suit when both of you first met. 

"Hey," you said and hug Mick with cheek kisses

"You look beautiful today," Mick hugged back and said

"Well, your mouth is still sweet as always,"

"Never gonna change that," Mick said and smirked a bit and you slightly laughed a bit

"I'm leaving, bye mum," you said and closing the door,

Mick leading you to his car and letting you get in the passenger seat. Both of you are going on a Christmas night date, going for dinner, probably fireworks watching somewhere, or having some time at the street with some hot cocoa. 

Not long after both of you arrive at the restaurant that both of you chose. 

"This is nice," you step out of the car smiled and said, loving the Christmas atmosphere, Mick coming up and lend his elbow out,

You wrap your hand at Mick's elbow and him replying at the same time, "I like the atmosphere,"

Both of you step into the restaurant and got a seat easily as you booked a seat earlier during this busy season, also ordered the food earlier so you don't have to wait. The food came up not longer while you and Mick are having a conversation about his next season at Formula 1.

You and Mick didn't talk much during the meal but as always, sharing the food. 

"Can I have a bit more of yours y/n?" Mick asked

"Hmmm a bit more..." you said and look at your Macaroni and Cheese, your favourite, would you give more? 

"A...bit...more..." you said while giving him a little amount of your food, just, really a little.

"Oh come on y/n," Mick laughed, seeing your funny behaviour,

"Why don't we just switch our meals then," you said following with some laughter.

"Great deal," he said, and handing his plate to you, and you handing yours to his. His meals are a beefsteak, cooked medium-rare. 

After finishing your dinner, you and Mick decide to have a walk around the street, feeling the Christmas atmosphere. Families and couples around, the hand with hand walking down the street, some special Christmas Market with game stalls and food stalls, speakers around playing Christmas songs and music.  

"Have you ever realise times flies so quickly," you asked,

"I do and I enjoy every moment with you," Mick said and look at you for a moment, "Time flies fast, another year coming, and we're going to be another year older, enjoying every moment with you. Having you in the morning, when I woke up and be able to see you beside me, it's just nice, and I cherish every moment with you and my family," 

"I love you," you said, and look into his eyes, how could you not love this man

"I love you too," Mick said and also look into your eyes, "Are we going to walk around here until Christmas?"

"Why not" 

A/N      and again, I don't know how to write an ending and ruined it UGH, imagine inspired by the first 1D song I've heard back to 2014 on the radio, not mainly inspired by the song, I just have this Christmas feeling when I watch the music video, sooooo here it is, and also, my favourite festivity, Christmas! 117 days until Christmas! although my family doesn't celebrate Christmas I'm still very excited about it. hope you enjoy it, and stay passionate(quote Kym Illman)

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