Chap 1. [A New Beginning]

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        It had been several weeks since I was captured by the Port Mafia, and several weeks since the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia had any quarrels. The fear that once swirled in my gut seemed to evaporate ever since then, and a sense of safety came with it. Today, Dazai and I will be visiting their headquarters to deliver a sort of peace treaty from our president to their boss.

"Hey Dazai, do you and Chuuya still not get along?" I asked, pulling open the metal door that was opened for us. Well, I spoke too soon. A blur of black and orange tackled the tall Dazai the second the door opened wide enough. A (quiet girly) screech was heard as the two tumbled on the ground, eventually ending in Dazai pinching the executive to the ground.

"You think you can just dilly daddle in here all you want? On my turf?!" The man's bright orange hair filled my eyes, as the screech coming from Dazai.

"Hey Chuuya!! How are you?" I asked, and saw the executives head turn into my direction. A crimson color came across his face as he leaped off of Dazai and took his glove off with his sharp teeth, reaching down and grabbing my hand with his own pale one.

"Good to see you kid!! I'm guessing you guys are actually supposed to be here, aren't you?" Chuuya said, glancing over his back and at Dazai.

"What makes you think anything different?" He was silent for a moment before answering me back in a mumble, seeming to say 'nevermind'.

       Chuuya led us into the door silently as he made his way to the elevator.  The darkness of the night outside filled the room with long shadows.  I explained why we were here, and then Dazai cut in.  "Atsushi, did I tell you we are all going out to eat after?!"

       "W-what?! No Dazai you didn't!""

"Oh... we'll surprise-" Dazai exclaimed with a small sneaky smirk. Chuuya seemed to tilt his head back in anguish, making sure to stay his distance from Dazai.

"You're lucky I'm even going you bandaged weasel." Chuuya said snakily as the elevator lifted its way up. "I hope the boss makes you stay so long they give the reservation to someone else."

I just stayed quiet as the two bickered back and forth until we got to the very top, which when the doors opened I was greeted by a not so fun sight. Akutagawa and Gin were just coming onto the elevator, I tried to speed walk past them but I was stopped by the lean black haired man.

His hand was on my shoulder and I glared into his eyes, I could have swore I saw no emotion in there. Hey, better than anger I guess. "O-oh hey Akutagawa!! What nice weather we are having?"

"The sun is down."

"But... the sky is clear!"

"..." Akutagawa's grip tightened on my shoulder but was stopped short by Chuuya's gloved hand on top of his, shoving it off my body. Chuuya gave him a glare that a mother would to an annoying child in the backseat of the car and Akutagawa just scurried into the elevator, running away from the executives glaring blue eyes.

I sighed a breath of relief when the doors closed. Why does he still hate me so much... I hope he doesn't go to dinner with us.

It was silent for a moment til Dazai spoke. "Alright let's go ahead and give Mori this, we have an expensive dinner to go to!!"

Chuuya and I seemed to speak at the same time. "Expensive?"

Dazai nodded his head in pleasure. "Mhm! It's made out of marble, they have diamond plated silverware and the roof is so high it looks as if you are looking in a kaleidoscope!!"

Chuuya raised a eyebrow at Dazai's words, I didn't believe him either but I wouldn't dare oppose the man who got me this job.

"Anyways Osamu don't you think the boss would like if we didn't make the process as quick as possible? I mean it is a peace treaty, it has to be done righ-" Dazai swiped down and grabbed the paper from my hands, almost undoing the seal. He speed walked forward to the office door and swung it open as hard as he could with a big grin on his face.

I facepalmed as Chuuya put a warm hand on my head. "Don't worry about it so much, everyone knows how Dazai is." I was going to ask the short man what he meant by that but I feel like we all know the answer.

Almost as soon as he came in he left the office with a not so wide grin as he had seen his past boss. "What'd he say?" I couldn't help but asking.  This finally meant that we would be at peace, for real this time. (?)

"He signed the agreements so let's go! I don't want to even think about stupid work anymore on my day off."

"You... you were scheduled to work today Dazai-"

He didn't hear me though as he waltzed back into the elevator, me and Chuuya following. "I wish I could be as carefree as you sometimes Dazai..."

Before Dazai could answer Chuuya took his spotlight. "Trust me Sushi you do not want to be anything like your mentor."

And with that statement and my new nickname we made it out of the building.


At the car, Dazai and Chuuya looked at each other then back at me.  "Atsushi you drive!!"  My blood ran cold as Dazai said this.

     "D-Dazai I don't have a license yet! I can't even drive!"

      "We will teach you!"

       I blinked wildly at the two, Chuuya looking down as if saying "I'm sorry, this fucking idiot is going to get us killed."  Before I could protest I saw Akutagawa striding out of the building we had just left and in return I sprinted to the drivers seat and put my seatbelt on, hoping he didn't see me. 

       Chuuya forced Dazai in the back as he walked over to the passenger side and sat beside me, bringing his hand over my legs and turning the keys and starting the car.  I was about to book it when I heard the door in the backseat open and close as another weight sat down on the leather seats.  I looked in the mirror and saw piercing eyes of Akutagawa, something I'd rather not see.

      "H-how long is this ride Dazai?" I trembled out.

      "'Bout an hour!" He said, moving over so he was further away from the obsessed Aku.  "Chuuya will give you directions, just keep focused on the road, and if you see cops- uh- just- let's just hope we don't run into them okay?"

       "You mean., you don't even know where this place is?"


       This is going to be a long ride...


Atsushi's Day With The Port Mafia || Part 2!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant