Chap 6. [Time Together]

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        The car ride wasn't a very long one,  soon enough I saw a large building that had stairs leading up to different floor type structure that all held platforms that had doors to about 10 different rooms.  We squeezed out of the car and Chuuya fiddled with his key as he went to one of the stairways.  The bright morning sun gleamed down on his orange hair, making it seem as if he was glowing.

        "Alright, its just up a couple stairs and then its the first one on the left."

       "Wow, you know your left and rights?"  Dazai sneered.

       "Im literally a executive, actually longer than you, s-so technically, asshole, that makes me smarter than you."  Nonsense spilled out of Chuuyas mouth as we stumbled up the set of concrete stairs.

        "...Are you still hungover or something?"  Chuuyas shoulders dropped as he just walked up to his door slowly without saying a word.

       "Alright, just a warning, Its not much of a sight.  I try my best but im not very great at design."

        "Obviously, you're been wearing the same outfit for 6 and a half years."    This earned a glare from Chuuya.  Dazai was stopped short by the opening of the front door.


       Chuuyas apartment was beautiful.  It looked as though he had put in some extra work to make it unique from the others.  It had gleaming overhead lights along with black fairy lights along the ceiling.  The kitchen had marble countertops and everything was updated.  It was so clean,  I bet even if I tried I wouldn't be able to find a speck of dust.  

      We all walked on the wood flooring as Dazai plopped down on his large leather couch.  "Show off..."

      "Chuuya this is amazing!  How did you add all these details?!"  I said, bringing my hand on the carved cabinets. 

      "Oh, come on kid, its not really that good.  Just don't look in the closet and we will be fine."  A nervous smirk came across his face and I strained my ears to listen inside the closet, bringing them to the white door.  It sounded like I heard muffled talking/yelling so I quickly turned away.

      "Kinky."  Dazai stated.  Chuuya bashed his head on the fridge. 

       "Aku, you've been really quiet, what's wrong?"  I stated.

      "I'm tired, and I just have a lot on my mind."  He said, turning his head on the back of the couch and staring at the ceiling.  I felt remorse fill my heart as a turned to look at the dark circles under his eyes.  "I'll talk about it later."  He said, filling me with curiosity.

       "Anyways furry, whatcha makin?  You have full range of the whole kitchen so dont make something simple."

"I am not a furry for your information!! Keep that up and you won't get any breakfast." I said, irritated.

"Atsushi, we all know you don't have the heart to just to keep us all hungry." Dazai was right but I huffed anyway.

They all seemed to do their own thing as I started my work. I was going to make them some French toast, my favorite breakfast food. I grabbed a bowl from the high cupboard and skimmed through the fridge and grabbed 2 eggs and some milk. I doubled the ingredients to feed more people.

I cracked the eggs and put 3/4 cups of milk in the bowl, as well as 2 teaspoons of vanilla and 1 and a half of cinnamon. I whisked all of them up and was caught in my cooking when I heard conversation.

"Dazaiii... turn that down!! I'm trying to read this very important book here." Dazai continued to blast his music without any concern to Chuuya.

"Atsushi, contain your dog!" I sighed.

"Dazai, come on now, he is allowing us to use his ingredients and make breakfast. The least you could do is have some decency." He groaned and pouted, turning down his music slightly to make Chuuya happy.

"What are you reading?" Aku asked, the first time he talked in quite awhile.

       "It's called the sleep experiment!!"  Alright, now is the time to finish up breakfast and ignore their convos. I soaked a bunch of bread in the bowl and threw them on the hot pan that I had put on the oven-top.  I heard a satisfying sizzling noise.

       Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aku setting the table up for 4.  He even got the orange juice from the fridge. 


      "Alright, soups on!!"  I exclaimed, putting the pieces of steaming toast on the plates. 

       "Aww sweet thanks Atsushi!"  Chuuya exclaimed. 

       "Ah, it wasn't a problem at all!" They all dug in as I sat down to my own plate and scarfed it down.  Hmm.. could've used less egg.

        It was quiet as we ate, but soon enough the breakfast was over.  "I'm stuffed.  I have some work to do, so you guys should probably get going.  Thank you for coming, I normally don't say stuff like this but..." Chuuya looked down. "I kinda enjoyed your guys' company.  Except for you, Dazai."

       Me and Aku beamed as we walked out the door, saying our goodbyes.  Once we made our way to the car I hopped in the drivers seat and waited for the other two passengers. 

      Dazai yawned but didn't get in.  "I'm just going to go back to my apartment., it's not far of a walk from here."  I looked at him surprised.

       "But Dazai-"

       "I'll be fine Atsushi-kun!!  Tell the boss I was... sick.  Have fun!"  Before he could object he sprinted away and left me and Akutagawa in the car together... alone.

       I shot him a glance and he gave me a side eye back.  "Where to?"  I said.  I could see him struggle to come up with an answer. 


       "How about we go downtown to the arcade?  I've been wanting to try it.  Then after we can go our separate ways."  I was surprised by his sudden change in tone but I didn't want to push it, it was victory enough that he wanted to stay with me.  I saw Dazai running behind us as I started my car.

      Henceforth, we went to the arcade. 

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