Chap 2. [Directions and Decisions]

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"I said turn left damnit!!" Chuuya screeched into the side of my ear. I spun the wheel around into a circle and went back around, making sure to turn left this time. The passengers all stiffened for support as the car jerked.

"That was... highly illegal." Dazai's voice tremble laughed from the back, patting my shoulder. "Great job!"

"Fuck you Dazai!! The kid's trying to concentrate!"

"Why don't you fuck me yourself cause I sure as hell am not."

Chuuya bashed his head on the dashboard. Akutagawa just stayed quiet to not get into the drama. In the back of my ears, I heard sirens. A cop. Where were they going? I glared back in the mirror where I saw bright red and blue lights staring at me from the darkness. Oh sh-

"guys- guys..." I trembled out but no one heard over their own conversations. "G-guys- guYS THERES A COP FOLLOWING US!! WHAT DO I D-DO?!"

I could practically feel Dazai's smirk from behind the seat. "Well, you could either A. Pull over, B. Pretend you don't see him, or C. BOOK IT!!" I did exactly what he said and hit the gas as hard as I could. I heard the tire screech behind me and saw a blur of white cover my eyes, I shook my hair off my face and glared ahead.

"Car!" Aku screamed from the backseat.

"Oh shit-!" I turned the wheel viciously as I barley missed the car. "Dazai this isn't going to work!! He's still following us! What do I do?!"

It was silent for a moment besides the blaring sirens and my heavy breathing. He grabbed something from his pocket but I couldn't quite see it until he threw it out the window and I saw a bright flash behind us. A flash bomb. "TURN RIGHT!"

I spun the wheel once again onto a side street. "Now turn the car off and everyone duck!" I took the keys from the engine and ducked as low as I could, as did the other three. I looked in the mirror and saw the cop fly by on the street to where he thought we had gone. We all stayed silent for a moment until the sirens slowly dissipated from our hearing.

I was the first to rise, wiping the cold sweat off my head and slouching back into my chair. I heard sighs of relief from the other passengers as I put the keys back in the ignition and started the maroon car up again.

"So do you still have the directions?" Akutagawa asked.


The rest of the ride went pretty smoothly, we stuck on the back roads as to not find another stray cop. I nervously gripped the steering wheel as I made more twists and turns.

"We're here!" Dazai excitedly said from the backseat, pointing at a house like shaped object in the near distance.

Our mouths all fell agape as we started at the run down restaurant. "Dazai I thought you said this was high class?!"

"Well, yes I did say that but I might've kinda maybe lied a little."

      I blinked again and saw Chuuya almost loose it at Dazai before Aku and I caught it before it happened.  We glanced at each other and both started walking up to the restaurant.  It's so quiet- say something-  I heard slight screaming behind us but when I tried to look back the fabric from Akutagawa's ability stopped my head and forced it forward.  I haven't been around him alone in quite awhile and the other two were far behind us.  What do I talk about?

       "I'm sorry."  Excuse me?  "I see that you aren't what I first interpreted you to be.  I've been silent to you because I don't know how I should- or well- what I should say to someone I've tried to kill on multiple occasions."

      Uh... this is really weird and sudden but I'm just going to go with it and hope he's not planning a surprise attack.  "Follow me."

       "But the others-"

       "Don't worry about them."  He led the way under a great large oak tree and plopped down in the decayed grass, motioning me to do the same.

      He pulled out a pair of new black pants and a brush.  That is... a very strange pair.  He saw the look on my face and quickly tried to explain. "Well remember that time I tore off your leg?  Well, uhm, your pants probably all got ripped and blood stained..."

      Oh so that's what he's worried about.?! 

       "Also the brush is for your tiger form.  Not to be rude but it could use a trim and a brush through."  And with that he stood up and left to join Chuuya and Dazai, leaving me under the tree in the moonlight.  I looked down at the objects and held them close.  We may have given a peace treaty to the Port Mafia but these gifts felt more like a peace treaty to me than anything ever would.


       Akutagawa didn't say anything to me or the others much after that.  I'm guessing he was embarrassed to admit that he actually wanted to not hate me for once.  I understand that.  Once you say you are something for so long and just change it's hard for people to understand that.

       I saw Dazai's bloodied nose and bruised eye when we made it up to the stairs of the house.  "W-what happened Chuuya?"

       "Oh nothing, he ran into a tree :)"

       "I-" Before I could speak Dazai intruded.  "Where did you guys go?"  He asked, muffled by the sound of his own hand covering his nose.

      I looked at Aku who seemed to want to keep it a secret and made up an excuse.  "I... I wanted to show him..." I looked at Akutagawa and felt the brush in my pocket.  "I wanted to show him how strong my tail has gotten!!"  I could see him mentally facepalm as Dazai and Chuuya shrugged it off.  I was going to pay for that later...


      "...Anyway, are you guys ready?!"  Dazai said like an excited child as he swung the door open.

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