Chap 4. [Games]

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         "Alright, who wants to carry him in?"

         My head was spinning as I looked up from the window and saw the faces of the three men.  They were already out of the car and staring into the backseat

       "No no, he looks so peaceful, why don't we just leave him in the car?"


      "And have him get kidnapped?"

       "Who is going to want to kidnap an adult man sleeping in the backseat of-"

       The car door opened and I felt someone's cold hands on my shoulders but I couldn't identify whose they were so I squinted my eyes open and found Aku.  I was about to open my mouth but didn't as I looked up at him.  "Come on, let's go."  He took his hands off of me and my shoulders felt cold again. 

       I squelched out of the car and looked at my surroundings.  We were.. at the agency.  "W-why are we here?" I said, rubbing my sleep deprived eyes.

      "Well as soon the the baby fell asleep," Dazai said, looking at me. "We got some fast food from Mr.Donald and then came back here.  We got you some!"  Dazai threw me a sandwich that was half opened and I scarfed it down while everyone got their belongings out of the car.  It wasn't a large meal but it would hold me over til morning.

      "But why are they with us?"

       "Chuuya's too drunk to drive and Aku is too fed up with him so it's not a good idea to put them in a car together."  I thought of why they couldn't have called a taxi or have had Dazai drive them home but in the end I just guessed that Dazai secretly was just bored and wanted them to come over.  "There isn't anyone here this late at night, so we should be good until 8am tomorrow morning.  Then they have to book it."

       "Why? Arent we at peace?"

       "Yes, but I think a couple of our members wouldn't be too fond of their company."  I remembered the time Aku almost killed Tanazaki and attacked Kunikida, and the time he traumatized Kyouka, and the time- yeah I don't need to go on.

       We got in the building and I stretched my arms out.  Looks like we were doing an all nighter, huh.  Good think I don't have to work tomorrow.  The bright lights stung my eyes and empty desks filled my vision as well as papers strewn out across them.  At Ranpo's desk I saw a bunch of candy wrappers, I found one with a mint inside and popped it in my mouth.

       "So what's your plan, Dazai?"  Chuuya asked snakily. 

        "Mm."  Dazai thought, rubbing his chin before making his fingers form a L shape under it.  "How about we play a game?"  Chuuya squinted and asked what kind.  "Truth or Dare of course!" 

      Oh boy... this can only end well.

      So we grabbed four chairs and sat about the same general area, I sat in my own desk as did Dazai. "Who goes first?"

"Let's go youngest to oldest." Everyone looked at me and I looked back. Hm. Who should I pick? I grazed my eyes over to Chuuya.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth" He said half out of it from the drink.

"Uhm... okay..." I stumbled, "what... what makes you angry?"

He glared at Dazai and drunkenly said, "When people come into my apartment at 3am and steal my hats just to never give them back and he make me chase the dumbass weas-"

"Aku next!"

"Alright." Akutagawa said, sitting classily on the floor against the desk Chuuya was sitting atop on. "Dazai, do you acknowledge m-"

"Nope, my turn!"

I didn't even take a second glance and Dazai started. "Atsushi, truth or dare."

"Dare?" I said softly. I instantly regretted that.

"Use your tiger form and have Aku pet you and say 'good kitty'" I flushed from embarrassment and could feel Akutagawa's glaring eyes go into my head.

"D-do I have to?"


I sighed as I very slowly transformed my head and tail. The fluffy ears that fell atop my head felt softer against my skin and my vision seemed to improve highly, even when Dazai shoved me into Akutagawa's lap, making me fall off the desk. I looked up into his eyes with a frightened face as he brought his hand and put it atop my fuzzy head. "Good cat."

"I'm a tiger..." I growled out so low that no one could hear.

Dazai looked at us like we were crazy even though he was the one to dare it. I wiped my eyes on my arm to try to get my vision back to normal and eventually everything came back.

"Anyway-. Dazai, I'm going to choose you for a dare, since I'm the oldest." Chuuya proudly announced. "I'm not even giving you the truth option."

"Pah-lease. Like I needed that handicap."

"I dare you to jump from here."

"Done!" Dazai got up and started walking to the window before I tripped him by the hem of his sock and he flopped on the floor behind me.

"Choose another dare, I'll put that one on my strike."

"Fine. Dazai, I want you to tell me that I was the greatest partner you have ever worked with!!" The red haired exec put his hand over his heart and looked up happily.

"You know what... I think it's time we call it a night guy-" Dazai couldn't finish before he was tackled by Chuuya and they wrestled on the ground for awhile.

I yawned and looked over at the clock. 1:09am. We shouldn't sleep here, we won't be up by 8. And Kunikida always gets here early. "Hey Aku, do you want to drag these two and walk to the hotel down the road? It's a lot safer than us sleeping here or someone driving this time of night. He nodded slightly and grabbed Chuuya as I grabbed Dazai.

I string of blood came between them as we pulled the two apart. "Come on guys..." The tall bandaged man scoffed as I held onto his arm all the way down the stairs and into the open night sky. I locked the door before taking in the fresh air by the bay.

"Just follow me, I've gone there before."

"With who?" Chuuya asked.

"That's classified information. Let's just get there quickly okay?" I could see him laugh a bit before Aku gave him a warning glance. I'm so exhausted, once we make it there I'm totally going to pass out.

These guys can really tire you out...

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