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"So how long are you guys staying with us?" Jack Johnson questions Maddie and I.

We were all currently at Applebee's eating dinner. I've exchanged pleasantries with all of the guys so far but the only one I've really had a chance to talk to and connect with is Cameron.

I'm sitting beside him and Shawn right now and across from Maddie and Hayes. There's a bit of tension between Hayes and I considering we haven't had a chance to talk things out yet.

"Have I ever told you that you're the cutest girl I've ever seen," Shawn randomly tells me. I force a smile at him, and wish it was real.

"Just about 30 times today," I mumble flatly.

"Babe are you alright?" Shawn questions and I know I'm not doing a good job of keeping up my facade.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I assure him, giving his hand on my lap a reassuring squeeze.

"Alright," he sighs but it doesn't take a genius to know that he is skeptical to whether I speak the truth or not.

I don't know what to do about this whole situation.

I can't just dump Shawn and go straight to Hayes 2 seconds later that would be quite a slutty move on my part. But I also can't date Shawn while having stronger feelings for another guy. I also can't ignore my feelings for Hayes and pretend they don't exist, because they are obviously there.

I am so conflicted.


"I don't know what to do Cameron?" I question the older boy as we walk over to the vending machine.

All the guys and Maddie were chilling in his, Hayes and Nash's room and he came with me to get a snack from the vending machine on the first floor.

"Be honest with me right now, do you like Shawn?" He asks simply. That question hit me hard. Do I really like Shawn?

"I thought I did..." I trail off not knowing how to finish that thought.

"But you don't," he remarks. I look down and shake my head no. I feel really bad about that. I don't have feelings for my boyfriend, how fucked up is that?

"I just can't feel anything for Shawn when there's Hayes. Hayes and I have a whole lot of history and I have to see where that goes," I sigh. Cameron nods but stays silent so I can continue. "I can't ignore what's happening between us."

"Well I think you've just found you're answer, Row."

Fuck, I think I just might have.


sorry this chapter is so short

does anyone really like this book because I was thinking about just scrapping it... Comment thoughts

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