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4 months later



Ugh I gotta get up. I'm so tired. It takes forever for me to fall asleep now so I alwas wake up tired as hell.

I swear I fell asleep after 2am last night, I guess Netflix is partly to blame for that one.

I take a quick shower then get dressed. I decide on a black and white polkadot dress with a jean jacket and my black vans. I put on my prescription Rayban glasses then head on downstairs.

"Hey Bud," i say shaking my little brother Lucas's curly hair as I sit down beside him at the table.

"Hi Rowie," he says adorably giving me a toothy grin. "you messed up my hair, thanks a lot. That took 20 minutes. Skylynn won't like me if I have this disaster on my head," he complained sassily attempting to fix his hair.

Too be honest it looks exactly the same after I ruffled it as before. Can you believe this boy is only 5? I find it hard to believe 90% of the time due to the sassy remarks that exit his mouth.

"I'm sure she'll love it," I chuckle attempting to reassure him. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Hey sleepyhead," my mom greets me. She puts a plate of waffles and sausages in front of me with maple syrup and a glass of ice cold water. I always drink water with my breakfast because I hate juice.

I wasn't in the mood to walk to school with the 'crew' today so I texted them saying I'm getting a ride then walked alone.

Everything's so weird between all of us now.

Hayes and Shawn both said they have something to tell me today. In these past few months I've realized that I still have feelings for Hayes, but they are way more complicated then my feelings for Shawn.

I eventually got to school and saw Ethan.

"Hey," I say starting a conversation with him.

"Row we really need to talk to you," I hear from behind me. I turn and see handout of breath Shawn and Hayes.

"Did you guys run here," I asked walking closer to them. They nodded still out of berth.

"Where's Maddie?" I question them and they look guilty.

"I don't know we lost her on the way.. She's a slow runner, we had to leave her behind." Hayes shrugs.

"Ok. What's so important that you had to run here and tell me?" I question curiously

You know that app vine?" Shawn asked me.

Yeah," I nod, "Nash uses it all the time,"

"Well Nash made me sign up for it and Shawn posted some singing videos on there and..."


"Well there's this thing called Magcon. It stands for meet and greet convention," Shawn tells me and I nod slowly trying to absorb all the information I'm getting. "We were invited to it, which means we will be roaming the country for a few months,"

"Oh that's great guys," I congratulate them.

"But we won't get to see you for half of a year," Hayes says less enthusiastically.

"Oh," I reply, my smile slowly fades from my face.

"Yea," Shawn mutters his smile faltering a bit also.

"Ok, when do you leave?" I ask the 2 boys I care about most besides Lucas.

"Tuesday," Hayes informs me.

some things change | hayes grier & shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now