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[ Maddie ]

After that awkward moment when we walked in on Shawn and Rowan, the 4 of us went to Shawn's basement to watch some TV. I decided to talk to Shawn so Hayes will have some opportunities to charm Rowan.

[ Rowan ]

Shawn was busy talking to Maddie so I was talking to Hayes. But I didn't mind. Hayes is alright. Yes he's incredibly annoying, but he's honestly the funniest person I know.

"Why did you order curry goat pizza," I ask him dying of laughter. Shawn's mom just asked what type of pizza we all wanted and after she read us all the options Hayes chose curry goat.

"It sounded funny. Curray got," he says in a weird voice making me laugh harder, " Quick question, what is curry goat?" he asked and I could tell he was being serious.

"I have no idea," I laughed. he smiled at me and I love his smile because it shows off his crystal blue eyes. All the Grier siblings have gorgeous blue eyes (except Skylynn hers are brown) but Hayes' are honestly the prettiest. A lot of people say it's Nash but up close Hayes has got him beat.

"Remember when we were 6 and we both had a crush on each other?" I blurt remembering the old memory. He bites his lip trying to think off what to say. I've caught on to that idiosyncrasy
over the years.

"Yea and then we got dared to kiss," he chuckled to himself.

"I remember how surprised I was when you actually kissed me. I wasn't expecting it. You were always so brave, even when we were little," I spoke. "You have no fear and that's something I've always admired about you," I confess truthfully and he blushes.

It's weird thinking that Hayes was my first crush considering where we are now. I'll always have a little bit of feelings for him since he was my first crush, and first kiss, but he's changed so much. Having a new girlfriend every week is very different from the real Hayes.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask him.

"You just did," he replies and I roll my eyes.

"What happened to you?" I blurt out and he looks confused. "Why do you date a new girl every week. You weren't like that before and I know you don't even like Emma, what's the deal?" I sigh referring to his girlfriend of this week who he started dating just yesterday.

He takes a moment to think and then speaks up. "Listen.. There's this girl I've been in love with for as long as I can remember, but she doesn't feel the same and I don't know... I guess I just felt lonely, rejected, lost..." he whispers so quietly I can barely hear him.

I attack Hayes with a hug and I can tell he's surprised. After a second he hugs me back.

"Hayes you have to tell this girl, she deserves to hear it. If you tell her what you just told me there's no doubt she'll melt," I tell him knowing that if it was me he said that too I'd feel weak in the knees.

"Believe me I've tried. I can't though. If I do it, it could ruin our friendship forever," he sighs frustratedly, "and trust me when I say this is one friendship I don't want to ruin."

"Love is about taking risks. You'll never get any where if you don't take any risks," I shrug.

"When did you become the love expert Rowboat," he laughs and I smile at his old childhood nickname for me. He hasn't used it in a while. Maybe because we haven't gotten along this well in a while.

It's weird.

I've known this kid forever. Well since I was
5 which is basically forever. We have been through a lot together, a lot of feelings, a lot of fights and it's drifted apart our friendship, but our friendship is rekindling in the basement of a guy we met less than 12 hours ago.

"We should hang out more like we used to," I suggest, " I forgot how much fun it was talking to you."

"I miss how close we were,"Hayes admits running a hand through his hair.

He has a point. We used to be inseparable. My best friend used to be Hayes, not Maddie. I always wanted to be with Hayes, not Maddie. Things just change I guess. It's both of our faults really.

"Kids, pizza's here," Shawn's mom calls from upstairs.

"Let's go," Shawn says grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs with Hayes and Maddie following behind us.

As much as I love food, and trust me food is my best friend, I didn't want my talk with Hayes to end. This is the first serious talk we've had in over a year and I was not ready for it to be over just yet.

I realized that I haven't really talked to Shawn much since Maddie and Hayes got here, so I sit in between him and Maddie as we eat.

Not much happened the rest of the night. We went back in to Shawn's basement and watched The Notebook, requested by me, Maddie, and Aaliyah of course. The 3 of us cried while the boys looked bored as hell. Hayes kept shouting 'What is happening?' while Shawn just gave up on watching it and was scrolling through random apps on his phone.

I just got home and I'm laying down on my bed thinking about my rather eventful day. There's Shawn who I fell for at first sight, but he's not even what I'm thinking about.

All I can think about is Hayes and this girl he's madly in love with. I have to admit I'm a wee bit jealous. No guy has ever felt that way about me.

My phone buzzed just as I was about to doze off.

Night beautiful xx -Shawn <3

Nighttt xx

but then it buzzes again just as I get settled into my bed again. I cannot catch a break...

hope you meant what you said about us becoming close again. See ya tomorrow Rowboat :) Ps: I never had the chance to tell you but the curry goat was nasty *_* - Hasss

Hasss! You woke me up you twat :P and I did mean it, night :)

I'm so confused about my feelings right now. This day I spent getting closer with Hayes has started to bring back old feelings.

Oh boy...

I doze off thinking about the cute, sweet brown-eyed boy but my subconscious ends up drifting  to the annoying blue-eyed one.

May God help me.

/ /

This chapter is kinda confusing.

it gives you a little peek of what happened between Hayes and Rowan throughout the years.

But uhh Rowan's old feelings may be coming back.

But Shawn's still there. Hayes is so adorable though. Idek what I ship tbh. What do you guys ship Showan or Rayes?

some things change | hayes grier & shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now