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[ maddie ]

Maddie!" I exclaim bursting into her room with the letter in my hand.

"Oh hello, darling," she greets me all posh-like while typing away on her computer.

"Did you know about this?" I ask waving the letter in her face. She turns away from her laptop to face me.

"Yes I knew about the letter. And yes I knew about everything he said in the letter," she replies calmly.

How is she so calm about this? I am very much the opposite.

"Well why didn't you tell me?" I demand crossing my arms. "You're my best friend, you're supposed to tell me everything."

"Yes but he's my brother, and I promised him I wouldn't say anything," she justifies.

I guess she has a point there, I can't expect her to betray a promise to her brother for her best friend. That wouldn't be fair of me.

"Okay, whatever, I understand, but what do I do now?" I exclaim. "I am at a crossroads. There's Shawn who is sweet and incredibly cute and funny," I say before taking a pause.

I look up at Maddie to see her calm expression has not left her face but she's looking at me intrigued, absorbing every word I say.

"But then there's Hayes. Hayes who I've known my whole life, my first kiss, the most annoying kid on the planet, my best friend."

"You are in quite a dilemma," she says simply, not putting any thought into her answer.

"That's all you got? That doesn't help me," I retort angry that she doesn't even seem to want to help me with this problem. She's my best friend and I don't think i can figure this out without her if I'm being quite honest.

"Yea but nothing I say will. I'm completely biased in situation, of course I'm gonna tell you pick my brother because I love him and I love you and i'd love you two together," she explains which makes sense because she is a little bias in this situation. "But I can't do that because you're my friend that isn't fair to you," she adds. How does she know what to say or what not to say in every situation.

Everything she said made perfect sense but it's still unbelievably frustrating because if Maddie can't help me with this then I'm truly on my own. No one in my life could be impartial about this situation, they'd all tell me to pick Hayes because that's who they know. My family and my best friends all know Hayes and love Hayes and that gives him an unfair advantage over Shawn.

Shawn my sweet, sweet boyfriend. I feel guilty that while he's out there liking and trusting me. I'm having this stupid internal battle tryna figure out if I even want to be with him, just hours after our relationship began.


"Rowan?" Shawn asks as he answers the phone. He sounded so groggy but it was cute.

"Hi" I say awkwardly but trying to hide all evidence of uncertainty in my voice so he doesn't know anything is wrong. "How was your flight?"

"It was fine, Hayes fell asleep though so I just read the book I had handy," he explained happily. Then mention of Hayes from his mouth made my heart stop. I've never felt more guilty.

"That sounds fun," I lie. It really didn't.

" You liking the rest of the magcon guys?" I ask changing the topic from the boring one we had previously.

"Yea they're all really fun, but I miss you a lot,"

"Same I miss you too," I tell him halfheartedly. He's not really  the one of I've been missing, even though he's my boyfriend.

"Love you," he replies and I can hear the grin in his voice.

"Yea.. gotta go Bye," I finish hanging up the phone. Is he absolutely ridiculous, we're not in love, we've been dating for 4 hours. This boy need to chill.


2 months later.

Spring break. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Me and Maddie are in New York
to surprise Nash, Shawn and Hayes.

We haven't seen them since they left 2 months ago. Me and Shawn are still sort of dating but i still don't love him. We haven't even gone on a date.

"Knock Knock!" I say in a manly voice so they won't know it's me but to be fair what man says 'knock knock'.

"Hey Rowboat," Hayes laughs before even opening the door. "Your man voice sucks."

"Hayes!" I exclaim when I see him. I jump into his arms and hug him tightly. "I missed you so much," I add nuzzling my head in his shoulder.

"What I don't get any love?" Shawn whines from inside the hotel. I let go of Hayes and ran over to Shawn.

"Of course you get some love," I laugh. I quickly peck him on the lips.

"2 months, Rowan. 2 months," he reminds me. I give him another kiss but it ends up turning into a full out make-out session.

"Woah PDA," Maddie shrieks. Me and Shawn instantly pull apart. I look over to see Hayes' face and he looks really hurt.

"Hey Maddie," Shawn says awkwardly.

"Let's go find Nash," I say quickly pulling Maddie out of the room. "I'm a horrible person," I sigh once the door closes.

"No you aren't, you're the greatest person I know," she reassures me soothingly. How did I get so lucky in the best friend department?

"Yea, I am" I conclude ignoring her attempt to try and make me feel better. "Nash!!" I yell banging on his door. "Open up!"

"Missed you to Row," he exclaims sarcastically opening the door.

"We need to talk right now," I urge. I need to talk to him about Hayes.

"No hug?" he questions. I smile and hug him tightly. I truly missed him alot.

"But seriously dude we gots to talk."

"C'mon in, I'll be there in a sec," he promises. I walk into the room leaving Maddie and Nash to do whatever siblings do.

As I walk in I see a really hot guy who I've never seen before and oh look he's shirtless.

"Oh hello," I say giddily. He has a 6-pack. How lovely. I know he's like a billion years older than me though so that's out of the question.

"Sup I'm Cameron," he gives me a little wave.

"I'm Rowan. I'm friends with Hayes, Shawn, and Nash," I explain.

"Oh so you're the girl Hayes talks non-stop about," he grins raising one of his eyebrows.

"Hayes talks about me?" I question no doubt blushing.

"All the damn time. Morning, night, afternoon, evening, he doesn't care. Rowan, Rowan, Rowan is all I hear," he laughs. "He sleeps in that bed right next to mine. You don't know how many late night conversations we've had about you."

"Wow." I'm speechless. No words.

"I also know that you're dating Shawn," he sighs clearly not pleased with that fact.

"Yea, that's true," I sigh honestly feeling the same way he does.

I feel incredibly guilty about the whole thing. If I knew that Hayes liked me, never in a million years would I have said yes to Shawn.

Yes, I like Hayes Grier.


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