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"Ayeee," I hear from behind me as I was putting my books away and grabbing my lunch. I turn around an see my best friend Maddie who's also Hayes's twin sister and my next-door neighbour as well.

If you don't live next to your best friend that must suck because it's awesome.

"Hey Mads," I smile greeting her with a hug which may look something like a headlock to onlookers.

"Ready to go to lunch?" she asks brushing back her long, curly blonde hair. Even though her and Hayes are twins, they look absolutely nothing alike. You wouldn't even think they're related. Hayes is a tall, brunette, while Maddie is a short blonde. But they do have the same blue eyes.

"Yup," I tell her and close my locker, then we start walking to the lunch room.

"So I heard you and Hayes got kicked out of Mrs. Dobson's class."

"It was all Hayes' fault! He asked me a question and I tried to get him to shut up. She made us get out and hand in our test. I couldn't even double check my test," I complain and Maddie chuckles. "If I get a B, I will kill him," I warn.

"Dude if I got a B, I would be jumping for joy" she laughs.

Maddie and I have opposite personalities. She is more rebellious and cool while I'm so me. Sometimes I wish I can be like her, a care-free rebel instead of a high-strong nerd.

"But I'm not you," I remind her and she mindlessly shrugs.

We walk in to the lunch room and sit at our usual table. It consists of me, Maddie, our friend Ethan, Hayes and which ever girl he's dating that week. This week it's a girl named Emma. She's not as slutty compared to the majority of Hayes' other girls but she's not exactly miss prude.

"Hey guys," Maddie says as we sit down at the table. Ethan waves at us. He is Hayes' best friend and he's had a crush on Maddie for years now. It's really cute but she doesn't know about it. She's completely oblivious but I won't be the one to tell her, Ethan will when he's ready

10 minutes into lunch I see Shawn walk into the lunch room all alone. It looks like he's looking for somewhere to sit. I tell everyone I'll be back and walk over to him.

"Congratulations, you found the lunch room," I cheer giving him a high five.

"It took a while, but I finally found it," he laughs showing me his adorable smile.

"Wanna sit with me and my friends," I suggest pointing to our table.

"I'd love too," he agrees and I lead him over.

"Guys this is Shawn," I tell everyone. "Shawn this is Maddie, Ethan, Emma and you already know Hayes," I explain pointing at each person as I introduce them. Shawn nods. We sit down at the table and he tells everyone about his self.

I look at Maddie and she's raising her eyebrow at me.

"What is with you Griers and that creepy eyebrow thing," I whisper to her remembering Hayes making that exact same face at me earlier this morning. She shrugs.

"So you and this Shawn kid, eh?" she smirked giving me a wink and speaking just loud enough for me to hear her.

"I'll tell you about it later," I mouth to her excitedly and she nods. I turn back to listen to Shawn. It turns out he only lives 2 blocks away from me, Hayes and Maddie's houses.

"Cool so you can walk home with us?" I suggest since it's the same route and I'd love to spend more time with him.

"Sounds good," he decides making me smile.

"What do you have next period, Shawn?" Ethan asks him. He takes a second to try and remember his schedule. His eyebrows furrow as he makes his adorable thinking face.

"Uh I think I have English with Mr. Cooper," he announced. My life has been fulfilled. Me and Shawn have English together. God wants me to marry Shawn and have 26 kids. Ooh we'll probably get our own show on TLC.

"Row has that too, so she can take you there," Maddie suggest to Shawn giving me a wink.

"That'd be great if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind," I smile shyly. " Do wanna go now? class starts in 10 minutes," I tell him checking the time. It's 12:15 and class starts at 12:25 so it's good timing.

"Yea sure. Nice meeting all of you guys," he says waving at them then the 2 of us exit the lunch room.

"Where's your locker," I question as we walk through the halls together.

"Uh we go straight this hallway and then turn left," he informs me.

"Cool mine's near there also," I laugh. All the freshman lockers are close together but mine and Shawn's are in the same hallway. "Okay you get your stuff, and I'll get mine. My locker's right there," I tell him pointing to my locker a few lockers down. "You can meet me there then we'll head to english," I say walking off to my locker.

A bit over a minute later Shawn appeared at my locker.

"Let's go," I decide and we start walking in the direction of Mr. Cooper's class.

"So I was wondering... Would you like to come over to my house for dinner tonight?" Shawn inquired nervously, "Hayes, Ethan, and Maddie could come too if you want."

"I'd love too," I grin, over the moon with his invitation.

"Great! If you can't come straight from school you can go home first or you can just go straight to mine," he adds.

"I'm sure my parents won't mind if I go straight to yours," I assure him.

It's times like this where I thank the lord for care-free parents. Well they care, but they just aren't overprotective like most parents. In other words they trust me blindly.

"Awesome," he enthuses as we walk into Mr. Cooper's class.


There's probaby so many grammar errors because I didn't revise this so bear with me. So the Grier twins and Rowan are going to Shawn's tonight, wonder how that will turn out. After the next chapter, the story will move at a faster pace because I know it's really slow right now..

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