5.Dammnnn Keri!

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Here they sat in a stolen car. Driving to Kim and Rays apartment.

It was a small 5 person car. So, Kim was practically sitting on top of Theo.

Because Keri told them to do it.
No one Disobeys Mama Keri. And Mama Keri knew what she was doing.

Ray giving Theo a dirty look. Oh so clearly saying, 'If your hands touch her in a slightly wrong spot, and I see I will shove you out the car door'

Theo understood the look completely. But if only Ray knew that earlier in the school, Theo had most of Kims clothes off. He would of definitely been killed and buried in a ditch.

Theo did wonder though. Did she feel the same? For, the almost sex was a drunken choice. But Theo was starting to think he actually loved her. Not just liked, but loved.

I mean it seems like it only happened in a span of a few hours. But, over the course of a few years.

He had only cared for one person (besides his family) his whole life. And maybe she would be the second. Actually he was hoping she would be the second.
They pulled into the parking lot in the back of the building. Alexi parking the car. Horribly.

Kim slipped her sneaker off. Pulling a key out from the toe.

Donna tripped and almost ran into the glass door.

"Don't break that! An alarm will go off, because of all the robberies around here," Ray said walking inside.

Donna nodded slowly backing away from the glass.

The climbed the stairs to apartment 412. Unlocking the door Kim walked Ray inside, leaving the door slightly ajar behind her.

As soon as she stepped away from the door. Theo was bombarded with questions.

"Do you like her?"

"You think she's hot?"

"Do you care if she is a Shadysider?"

"Do you just wanna smash her?"

"LISA!" Donna scolded her little sister.

"What? It's an important question!" Lisa defended herself.
"So do you?"

He did though. He did want to see her without clothes. In so many places like his bed or the back of his car. With either her legs on his shoulders, on her knees, his body in between her legs, and her hands gripping his headboard. So to answer Lisa's question, yes, but not smash. He wanted to relentlessly fuck her, over and over again. But not just that because he was undeniably in love with her. Her gorgeous body was an added plus.

But before Theo could answer. Something crashed from inside the apartment.
The group walked in to find Kimberly in an argument with her mother.

Her friends couldn't understand what the fight was about, but it was pretty heated.

Her mother ran into the 1 bedroom and slammed the door.

Kim reached into the cabinet and pulled out a bottle.


Her first buzz (even if it was only a little bit) had rubbed off from them running from a killer.

She pushed the bottle to her lips, she wasn't tipping it back over. She want stopping.

Alexi ran over to her taking the alcohol from her friend. Ray just sitting in the couch watching it all go down. His was cheek a glowing red. She had hit him.

"Come on, let's go," Kim said leading her friends to the door.

Kim was about to walk out when her brother looked up at her.

"What? Did you just say something?" Her brother asked her.

"Nothing. We're just leaving, stay safe. And if the witch (their mom) gives you trouble, you can smack her back," Kim waved to her brother closing the door.
Just as they were about to reach the parking lot doors. A smell wafted from behind them. It smelled musky and dark.

"Smells like death!" Alexi said as figuratively as possible.

"Girl, that's rust," Lisa corrected.

They turned around to see the killer. Holding Kim's moms head. And only her head.

Something ran through Kim's brain. If it had her mother's head. It must have gone through Ray to get to her mother.

Kim shrieked as she tried to run to the stairwell to get to her brother. Even if it was just her brothers body she was running to. She was held back by Theo.

Donna broke a window triggering the intruder alarm. The lights went out. The alarm ring blaring. A red light flashing. Kim saw it run right at her and Theo. He moved them both out of the way. Donna tackled Lisa to the floor and behind a table. Alexi was trying to find her friends. Alexi couldn't really see in the dark. Keri snuck up behind the killer, jumping on their back, and slitting their throat with a letter opener.

"Dammmnnnn Keri," Lisa stood back up.

"We need to go," Keri said wiping the blood off her hands. She looked down at her feat. The killer was Re-morphing?

As they ran out they agreed that, Donna, Alexi, and Lisa would go to the library to figure out,why the fuck a killer if chasing them. AND HOW IT FUCKING REMOLDED!!

Theo, Kim, and Keri would go to the police station.

Keri said she had to check up in her parents. So she wouldn't be going to the station.
Keri started running around the building and to her house. The first group took the 7/11 stolen car. While Theo hot-wired Kim's neighbors car.
As the drove, Kim was thinking. Maybe her brother was right. He should of stuck with them. He would be alive now if she hadn't sent him back to the apartment. She made the wrong choice.

"It's not your fault. You didn't know," Theodore told her. Rubbing her thigh in a comforting way.

"Maybe," she responded. But she knew it it was her fault. And she would always blame herself for it.
Chapter 5 complete.
Word count- 806

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