6.Before you go

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As Theo and Kim pulled into the sheriffs station, Kim looked down at her hands.

Lisa's blood. She had accidentally run into Lisa at the 7/11. Leaving the slightest bit of blood on her.

"Come on, let's go," Theo said opening the car door for her.
Inside, a lady told them (in a unrecognizable accent) that someone will be with them shortly.

Sheriff Nick Goode greeted them in the front.

"Theodore, Kimberly" he said shaking their hands. "What did you need to talk about?"
"And then Keri slit his throat," Kim explained.

"IN SELF DEFENSE OF COURSE!" Theo jumped in. "Don't arrest the girl!"

"Yeah, but anyways he's not really dead. He like, reformed?"

"Reformed?" The officer asked.

"Yeah, he like was black goo. And he returned into a human body," Kim explained running circles with her hands.

"And your sure you weren't just seeing something, Because you guys are tired?"

"No! I know what I saw. I can't watch someone kill something that wasn't there," Theo cut in again.

"Okay, I'll call you if anything happens. I'll walk you two out," Sheriff Goode closed their file.

"It's always good to see you," Nick hugged Theo.

"Wait, what the fuck?" Kim asked
visibly confused.

"Nick-e here is my cousin, His father is my mom's brother," Theo explained.

How the fuck did she not notice before? Theo Hanson and Nick Goode looked very similar.

Something familiar was heard from the front.

Keri's voice.
Kim looked to see Keri in the same white shirt, and black jacket as before. But different jeans. Black jeans.

"Girl! You changed?" Kim asked.

"Yeah, their was blood on them and I didn't want my parents to worry. Guess I should of washed the blood off my hands," Keri showed her hands. A mix of Black (from the killer) and red from Lisa.

"Oh! We should head to the library. It's not that far. We should head over there," Keri told her friend.

"Okay, come on," Kim agreed going to look back at Theo.

"I need to get someone. Strength in numbers," Theo said.

"Oh, then we will just walk then!" Kim responded.

The girls started walking out the door.

"Wait! Before you go!" Theo ran up to Kimberly.

He grabbed the sides of her face and kissed her. A small sweet kiss. That made their stomachs both erupt in butterfly's.

"Okay, be careful," He said walking over to the phone.

Kim held the door open for Keri.
When they arrived at the library parking lot, Kim pulled her work key and handed it to Donna.

"You lose this, I get fired," Kim joked.

"Okay. When we go inside, give us a signal is anyone pulls into the parking lot," Donna said pulling up her hair.

"Let's go," Alexi said leading Keri and Donna to the front entrance.

"Wait! What's the signal?" Kim asked panicked.

"Like a whistle or something ," Donna said turning back around following Keri into the building.

Kimberly stared at the wall.
She and Lisa were outside "on watch".

"I don't know how to whistle," Kim said blankly to the brick wall.

Lisa turned to look at her sisters friend.


Suddenly, a unrecognizable black car pulled into the parking lot. Shining it's lights at the 2 girls.
Chapter 6 completed
Word count- 551

1982. A Fear Street Spin-offWhere stories live. Discover now