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I woke up laying on the hospital bed. I saw Hima and mom were sleeping on the couch beside the bed. Mom woke after a min or two and I asked her "Mom, what am I doing here?" "you have been unconscious for two days Boruto" she replied "Where is Sarada" I asked "Umm.....She has been reported missing and the police is still investigating."

When I heard that tears streamed down my eyes was all my fault neither I would agree to play that fucking game,Yodo would never kiss me and Sarada would never leave the house I...don't know what to say I lost the love of my life ,I lost Sarada who always supported me and comforted me since we were kids every time I would be sad Sarada would treat me ice-cream or the and one day when I failed my test she cheered me up and there are so many memories but I wanted to make more, I just wanted see Sarada once again, just once to apologize for all the things that happened and just see her smile once again.

Sarada pov

I was tied up in a dark room, my mouth was stuffed with a cloth I tried screaming but all I did was get the attention of the person out of the room and he left and after a min or so came back with a tall man who was his boss I think cause he bowed down to him and left the room. The man came up to me removed the cloth from mouth "What do you want from me, who are you " I asked almost immediately he replied "Now there little girl my name is Jigen and I am the leader of Kara" "That criminal org who kidnaps people and sells them to make money " he said with a smirk on his face "and now you are here which means you will be sold too." He said laughing manically "N..NO this cant happen I cant be sold you are joking right "I asked in a cracky voice "You wish little girl you just wish" he said as he left the room leaving me alone there once again, maybe I should have listened to Boruto, maybe Yodo had forced him to kiss but it was too late...


This is an emotional chap and also the next chap will be the last one of this book and I have another book planned after this one and after that its sequal will be released and as always

Until next time


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