Ten - The Aqua Avatar

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Blue sparks danced around Gunvolt as he dashed through the darkness of the sewers. He had not encountered anyone so far, and it seemed to be a straight shot. Well, for the moment, it was a straight shot until Gunvolt made a sharp left. The blond Adept wondered if he was getting close to his target and hoped that you were doing okay against them if you encountered them.

Gunvolt: Xiao, am I making any progress in reaching (Y/N)'s location?

Xiao: Yeah, keep on the path you're on, and you should make it to his location. You might want to hurry; I believe he's fighting the Adept down here. His Septima is going up and down, and there's another I'm picking up as well.

Gunvolt nodded and picked up the pace. Knowing whoever down here most likely had a Septima advantage against you. But he could not count you out yet, knowing the Psychic Advent made you possibly even more vital than Gunvolt was now. Stopping for a minute, Gunvolt couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy from this fact, which was quite shocking for the moment. Shaking this off, the Azure Striker dashed off, knowing it was important to get you in time.


Septima energy was going everywhere as you and Milas went continued your battle. You were proving to see if Psychokinesis was capable of defeating a merman. Your back collided with the wall before evading a large bullet of water before getting trapped into a bubble. You concentrated your Psychokinesis before breaking out of the bubble.

Constructing a couple of glaives, you hurled them at Milas, who deflected them with his before rushing at you with a thrust attack. You quickly made a shield to intercept the attack.  You knocked Milas back, and he skidded to a halt. You then throw your protection like Captain American, only for Milas to summon a massive spot of water to destroy it.

You were going to take advantage of this maneuver, only for a giant vortex of water to rise and slam into you. It was like being stuck inside of a large waterspout spinning around like a ragdoll in the attempt to drown you as well. You almost couldn't summon your barrier to protect you as you rocketed out of the spout and slammed into Milas. Grabbing him by the neck, your eyes glowed with Septima energy as you turned and slammed him into the other side of the room. 

The metal bent in the process from the force, and Milas grunted in pain. You watched the merman get back to his feet and stick his trident into the floor hard. You couldn't help but chuckle and mock the Adept before you. Your arrogance was starting to get to you now.

Y/N: Come on, Mermaidman, you can't be getting tired already; I haven't even shown off my--OOF!

You gritted your teeth as the water-shaped trident half the size of the room slammed into you from the floor—your body connected with the ceiling with a mighty thud before landing on the ground hard. You coughed for a moment and glared at Milas, who smirked.

Milas: I believe your arrogance is getting the best of you, Advent.

You got up and created another shield before charging at Milas, who proceeded to do the same. The room echoed with enough force to shake the area around them. You were wondering where Gunvolt was at the moment and if he was getting close to the site. Amping up your energy, you released a pulse of energy, knocking Milas back. Summoning more of your Septima power, you were prepared to end this fight.

Y/N: Power over all/Cannot be contained by my might/Blow everything away!

Large (F/C) orbs of energy appeared around Milas, surprising the man and wondering what you had planned before realizing it right away.


By slamming your hands together, the orbs exploded, resulting in you getting knocked back as well from the blast. 

Gunvolt Story Two - The Azure Striker and the Psychic Advent(BEING REMADE)Where stories live. Discover now