Seven - An Old Friend

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Racing with conflicted thoughts, Gibril didn't know what to do right about now as she made it back to Eden. Walking back to their headquarters with a forced scowl on her face, trying to make it seem as though she was normal. From the outside, she appeared normal. But with a couple of bruises here and there. Along with her clothes being a little haggard and dirty as well. But this was not all Gibril was thinking of as of right now. Having consumed the blood the Psychic Advent had given her to keep her alive. She was able to get a good glimpse of their memories, and what Gibril saw caused her to wonder now.

Gibril's Thoughts: Do we have a traitor amongst us?

Gibril was so in thought that the moment she entered Eden she bumped right into Tenjian, the latter looking down at her with a stoic expression on his face.

Tenjian: Gibril, what has happened, I can feel the shard is no longer with you. You lost it didn't you?

Gibril: Well . . . . Yes, I was defeated by the Psychic Advent and lost the shard to him.

Tenjian opened his eyes to stare at the younger girl, the Frozen Blade watched Gibril sweat nervously a bit from this. Seeing this, Tenjian wondered what was going on with her now. Gibril was acting weird, she wasn't spitting out anything insulting or speaking of anything annoying. Tenjian could tell that something happened with the Psychic Advent that caused such a change? Letting out a silent breath Tenjian turned without saying a word.

Gibril: What you're not going to say anything?

Tenjian didn't say anything still and only kept his back turned from the Full Metal Jacket. Being Gibril shouted out at Tenjian, but he still didn't budge. Just when she was about to yell once again. She felt the cold steel of a blade near her throat. Looking down she could see Tenjian's Adept blade at her throat. Looking up at Tenjian's who's eyes glowed with Septima Energy. Gibril could also feel the temperature around the two decreasing as well.

Tenjian Whispering: Let me just say this once because I will not be repeating myself Gibril. I do not like weakness in Eden and I cannot stand the fact you had lost the shard that Zonda and I had worked hard to retrieve. I am not killing you now because you are an Adept who could still be of some use to my sister. So get inside and wait until Zonda calls on you, we'll be discussing things with the others involving the Azure Striker, the Advent, and the Adept Slayer.

Not liking to be threatened Gibril smacked the blade away and was just about to walk past Tenjian, but felt her left shoulder get sliced open like a zipper. Clutching her shoulder she looked angrily at the Tenjian who looked down at her with annoyance. Just as Gibril created a knife out of her blood, she was stopped with a kick to the face. Hitting the ground hard, Gibril groaned and looked up to see Tenjian was preparing his Weaponized Form. But noticed he stopped, looking up Gibril noted the large locks of hair wrapped around his wrists in keeping him from transforming.

Tenjian: I would like to know as to why you are stopping me, Desna?

Walking into view and unraveling her hair from around Tenjian's wrists, Desna walked past him and towards Gibril. Not saying a word to him at the time. Tenjian knew not to try to attack her, knowing she was much quicker than Gibril. Plus, her hair was quite strong and valuable to many of her fans.

Desna: You were about to attack Gibril, so I stepped in the way. Eden was created to help Adepts, and I don't believe it would be right for an Adept to slay another for failing a mission. We will get the shard back one way or another. Like a star, today Gibril was not at her brightest, but one day she will be.

Tenjian hearing this could only scoff and walk away not wanting to hear any more from the Starstruck Beauty. Leaving Desna to help Gibril up onto her feet.

Gunvolt Story Two - The Azure Striker and the Psychic Advent(BEING REMADE)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora