Eight - The Next Mission

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It was the middle of the night and you quietly sat on your bed, you meditating for the time being. Something you had learned would help keep your powers in control and not go crazy with them. This would also help keep your Nova Form in check, as there are still times when you slowly enter a Psychotic state like your late brother, Nova. 

Slowly you levitated off your bed while letting out a breath you had been holding in. You slowly inhaled your breath then held it for ten seconds, then exhaled at a slow and steady pace. You did this over and over to keep your body and mind balanced. For the next 30 minutes, you were like that before floating back down. Sitting on your bed you were thinking Gibril and hoping she would be okay. You had a feeling she may have been punished for losing the Fragment. 

Y/N: You know . . . Maybe talking with Elise could be beneficial to the girl, but how the heck would I even be able to convince her to come here without wanting to slit my throat? Oh well, I think I should just go to bed for right now and think about all of this nonsense later.


Desna sat in her bed while looking outside at the large full moon. She was interested in what Gibril had told her. The Starstruck Beauty wondered why the girl was now interested in meeting her boyfriend?

Desna: I've never seen Gibril so nervous and uncomfortable before. She's usually feisty and short-tempered. It's honestly quite worrying, to say the least. But if meeting (Y/N) will calm her down I suppose it can't hurt.

Looking at her cards she reached for them but accidentally dropped them to the floor. Picking them up Desna realized something about them. They were showing her a fortune of some kind. One that honestly made her worry now.

Desna: The Undisclosed Monarch is beneath.

Desna picked the cards up and decided to get some rest. Remembering she would be heading out tomorrow as well. She had to be careful of not only the Psychic Advent and Azure Striker, there was a third-party causing a scene as well. The Adept Slayer, reports of them being able to take out Adepts intrigued her.

Desna's Thoughts: Maybe after my mission, I'll go to (Y/N)'s place with Gibril. I hope he is not too busy or anything.

~Quinn's House: 9:30 PM~

You warped over to Quinn's to see how the others were doing and to see if any new missions were ready for the two of you. You sat on the couch on your phone while Gunvolt and Joule were sitting around as well. Quinn had been out doing laundry, you had been helping a bit by warping them outside for her. Much to the concern of the others as they did not wish for someone to accidentally see clothes pop out of nowhere.

Now you were outside helping Quinn with the laundry, you were fixing the towels since you did not want to touch the clothes. Folding them into neat rectangles before going to the next one. While Quinn suddenly asked you a question. Surprised at first, but you listened.

Quinn: (Y/N), I'm curious, do you think there's a way for you to return Joule back to normal with your Septima?

Y/N: I've been thinking about it since Psychokinesis can pretty much do anything. But I fear if I do anything I could make Joule's situation even worse. So I'm not really going to think about doing something like that just yet.

Quinn: Oh . . . . One more thing . . . . . This girlfriend of yours? Do you think we can meet her?

Y/N: I'm not too sure. The crap that we're doing and the fact that she is ridiculously busy with her job would make it difficult. But I think after we've dealt with Eden I think we can probably make a meeting happen. I think she would like to be introduced to new people due to her job making it difficult to have a social life. Plus, I think she would really like another female friend.

Gunvolt Story Two - The Azure Striker and the Psychic Advent(BEING REMADE)Where stories live. Discover now