Eleven - Problems

423 8 11

The grin spreading across your face never faltered as if it was a permanent trait that would last for eternity. Eyes glistening with power, arrogance, cockiness, and with a hint of obsession. This vile nature was starting to control you, overwhelm what little resistance you had left of the darkness inside of you. Your (F/C) eyes were flowing towards the color of your late brother and your (F/C) started to develop similar colors to Nova's hair as well. Nova form was rising to the surface and it was not going to be pretty.


Witnessing more clones splash out of the water and charge you, your Septima energy skyrocketing from excitement. This made it harder for Milas's clones to get anywhere near you as an invisible field pushed them away. They each dispersed into small puddles of water much to the annoyance Milas simply made more. But this only made you chuckle before turning into a full-blown maniacal laugh.


You grinned more as Milas lunged at you with his trident only to stop suddenly. Laughing more the whites of your eyes faded into black and your eyes turned purple. Your Septima power was going all over the place it was starting to actually scare Milas. Just as he was about to say something, it happened. Milas's left arm suddenly twisted irregularly resulting in Milas screaming out in agony.

Y/N: Don't worry . . . . I'll make this . . . . As slow and painful as possible.


Blue sparks danced around the Azure Striker while charging through the darkness. Worrisome thoughts raced throughout his mind as he felt the familiar energy of Septima shoot across the place. Gunvolt was getting more and more anxious to reach your location. Leaping over a couple of pipes, Gunvolt halted after hearing a sickening snap and the agonized scream of someone. The electric gunner dashed forward-moving at speeds he thought were impossible for him until he reached his location.

What Guvolt saw caused him to look with disbelief at the sight. You were standing with a sinister purplish glow surrounding you and the Adept who you must have been fighting was not looking too good. Gunvolt saw his left arm was twisted in the worst possible way and multiple gashes were visible on them. Worse, they were no longer in their weaponized form, seems they were too injured to maintain it. But Gunvolt was unsure if they were alive or not, but was at least glad to see Joule's fragment floating next to you.

Gunvolt: . . . . . (Y/N)?

Not hearing or noticing Gunvolt had arrived you continued with your torture of the poor adept, who was trying to plead and beg for mercy at this moment. You shushed them like putting a child to sleep. Patting Milas on the head with an innocent yet deadly smile plastered upon your lips. Before spreading into a diabolical grin with your eyes flashing purple.

Y/N: I think I've had enough of your appearance, I believe it is time for you to be silenced.

Milas: No . . . . Please . . . . Have mercy . . . . I'm beg--AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

You listened to Milas scream in pain as his body proceeded to fade out of his existence. He faded from existence from the head. But you could still hear the screams of pain as if his soul was still being exterminated from this world. After a minute, Milas's body finally disappeared out of this world. You muttered good riddance before turning to Gunvolt, who looked at you with alarm, even reaching for his weapon in case you struck.

Gunvolt: (Y/N) . . .  Is that still you or is that your power . . .  Please tell me?

Y/N: Gun . . . . Volt . . . . UGH!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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