One - Trinity 1-2

551 12 3

S/C - Skin Color
E/C - Eye Color
H/C - Hair Color
H/L - Hair Length
F/C - Favorite Color
S/F/C - Second Favorite Color
F/F - Favorite Food

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Sumeragi Soldier 1: Give it up chump there's no escape from here!

Sumeragi Solider 2: How dare you interfere with Sumeragi's business! You stole the Seraph and have now caused it to go out of control!

???: No that wasn't me it . . . Ah, forget it you won't believe me anyway.

Sumeragi Solider 1: We know that you're apart of QUILL, that outfit gives it away, we are sworn to crush every last terrorist such as you!

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Sumeragi Solider 1: We know that you're apart of QUILL, that outfit gives it away, we are sworn to crush every last terrorist such as you!

Gunvolt: Wrong again pal, QUILL, and I had split up a long time ago!

???: Now do you see why (Y/N) and I told you to get new clothes?! Anyway, do you need any help GV?

???: Now do you see why (Y/N) and I told you to get new clothes?! Anyway, do you need any help GV?

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Gunvolt: No Joule these guys don't look so tough . . . . Speaking of (Y/N), where is he shouldn't he have been here by now?


Y/N: Crap! Volt why the heck didn't you call me sooner!?

Flying through the sky as fast as possible to get to Gunvolt location you had been flying ever since Gunvolt had called you. Becoming nothing but an (F/C) blur of light before making their descent into downtown. Landing on a high building you looked around in the hopes of finding the Seraph. To make sure no one saw your face you donned an (S/F/C) cloak and hood. Originally you had the thought of wearing a mask but turned that down after Joule said you looked stupid wearing it.

Placing two fingers on your head you telepathically concentrated in order to find Gunvolt's location before deciding to use telepathy.

Y/N: Volt you there . . . . . Volt . . . . Earth to Volt . . . . Joule are you there?

Joule: Hello . . . . Oh (Y/N) it's you where are you?

Y/N: Yeah I'm trying to locate the Seraph but I can't see it can you do that thing I showed you. The buzzing thing to help find you guys?

Gunvolt Story Two - The Azure Striker and the Psychic Advent(BEING REMADE)Where stories live. Discover now