Six - Luminescence 2-2

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You eyed the situation trying to figure out a way out of this mess while calculating what she was planning to do now. She lost her ability to fly, but by the looks of it gained new abilities. Gibril has claws now so she was likely a close-ranged fighter now. Judging by her stance she could probably leap around place well. This form gave her better mobility and speed. Being more cautious you transformed the sword in your dominant hand into a shield. Just in time to as Gibril lunged at you, moving faster than before.

Claws collided with your shield and almost pierced you in the eye, you tried shaking her off but she held on like a . . . . like a . . . . like a . . . . leech? Gibril growled almost as if she could hear your thoughts and sliced your shield in half. She used her other claws and went for your throat, but luckily warped away. But Gibril was not tolerating this and turned around releasing a large wave of blood-red energy. Seeing this you put a shield up before you to protect yourself. But the girl was relentless and leaped at you once more, violently slashing at your shield like a wild animal.

Y/N's Thoughts: Are her attacks getting stronger!?

You saw how your barrier was shattering and shattering until it broke from the force. Gibril landed on you ready to slash into your face when you blasted her off. Creating balls of energy you sent them flying at Gibril who sliced them down easily. Before sending another wave of energy at you. Seeing it coming you warped out of the way and appeared behind Gibril, but with sharp reflexes, she sliced your sword and slashed you across the chest.

Gibril: That not going to work on me a second time! 

Slashing your cheek without a second thought, you hissed at the sharp stinging pain coursing through your cheek. But you were letting up and pushed her back with a wave of energy knocking Gibril back. But that didn't help at all, like an animal she leaped at you again. Spinning like a drill-ready to slice you in half. You simply formed a barrier but Gibril was cracking it. Seeing this you simply teleported out as the barrier dispensed. Before another trapped Gibril inside while you focused on performing an attack.

You watched as Gibril violently and rapidly slashed at the barrier. Watching the girl slash and hack at the barrier like no tomorrow, but something about it seemed off to you. Keeping the barrier up you noted a large amount of rage inside of her. Not like that sicko Viper long ago, but this rage felt primal and unrelenting.


Y/N: I'm going to need you to calm down a bit, you're being a little too--


Grasping a hand around your neck from hearing this, closing your hand your barrier shrunk causing Gibril to struggle to get a room.

Y/N: Look I need you to calm down a bit, I can tell by the way you're acting and your emotions that you're a bit on the unstable side. I need you to relax and then I'll probably . . . . Wait what are you doing?

You noticed Gibril was yelling out and a blood-red aura surrounded her, but you noticed blood trickling down the sound of her mouth. A blood-red pillar of light shot causing your barrier to break and sending you off your feet. Getting up quickly, you noticed the aura around Gibril, you noted it was in the shape of a wolf. You watched Gibril wipe the blood from her mouth before glaring at you. You noted the almost feral look on her face that caused you to gulp down a lump. You were starting to wish Gunvolt had come with you now, or at the very least Copen miraculously popping up.

Y/N's Thoughts: This girl's mentality . . . . It reminds of me of Elise . . . . Just replace fear with rage and you pretty much have the same person. Volt, you're probably to say something to me later for this, but I need to do something about it. 

Gunvolt Story Two - The Azure Striker and the Psychic Advent(BEING REMADE)Where stories live. Discover now