Chapter Eight

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Don't shoot the messenger

OK Eliza had left the messages in codes with Scarf a
robot that understands all languages .
Scarf said "decoding ,decoding, processing,
processing , complete ".
It quickly decoded the message and went up a mini
elevator to the normal ground .It moved as fast as it
could with its tiny robot weals .
As Scarf gut to Eliza's parents room door it said ,"Mister
Rod ,Ms Rod open the door ".
Then he knocked on the door and said ,"Ms Rod ." As
she opened the door .
As Ms Rod yond she put her hand on her mouth she
said,"What is going on ? it is 01:07 a.m hu".
She did not see any one out her door .
"Ms Rod down here ".Scarf said .
"Scarf ?, now am speaking to a robot. Who said pigs
cant fly ?". She said .
"What do you want Scarf this late ." ,she said as she
went on one knee looking at the robot
Scarf said "Eliza left a message ms Rod he took the
army away from the house ".
Rena said confused ," He what ,Army , ho !"
It said ,"He said I should deliver this message to you
' only one car at foot'.
'This clown would soon move ,good by'.
'I love you I would get away later'.
'PS take care'.
'Everywhere I go you can see it in my lab".
After hearing this Ms Rod ran to her husband and said,
"Steve wake up "
Mister Rod said quietly still in sleep ,"I did not eat the
cookie ".
Rena said ,"Hu cookie , Steve wake up it is Eliza he.... ".
"I am awake what happened to Eliza? ." Steve said this
as he flew up from bed .
She replied "Eliza , Eliza was taken by the army ".

Little fun

Abs said , " General Hittar said 'We should not
speak to the boy he said he is smarter than we think ".
"Yes sir ." They all said .
As Eliza heard this he had a smirk on his face under the
bag on his head .
Then he started asking allot of questions .
"Where are you taking me ?".
"What do you want from me? ".
"Who is Hittar ?".
No one spoke to him he studied them when he was first
handcuffed so he said ,"How did your muscles get so
huge ?".
Triceps stretching his arm over his head and said ,
"Years of gyming ".
Eliza said ,"Ho it came out really nice ".
"Thank you." he said still stretching .
Biceps hits triceps head.
Triceps said ,"what did you do that for ?".
Biceps said ,"Your talking to the kid ".
Triceps hits him back .
"Why you big good for nothing...", Biceps said as he
hits Triceps .
Back and forward they threw punches like they where in
the old west . They where both sitting opposite E-Rod .
As the punch flew across the small space Eliza docked
because he had smooth reflexes .
Then Abs said ,"Triceps , Biceps what is going on back
there ".
Eliza said ," Their fighting ".
They both froze .Biceps held Triceps' shirt with a black
eye and a few missing teeth .Triceps was held backed
down to his sit with a black eye and a jacked up nose .
They both said after spitting out a tooth ,"He started it !".
Abs said ,"I don't care who started it ,you better stop it
or I would finish it! ".
"You got that !".
They both sat like nothing ever happened and said with
their swollen jaw , "Yes sir !" . Biceps was right about
one thing , it was going to be a very long drive to HQ .

The package

A bird flew straight up the hill , it Spins around , flies hi
and low with its beautiful wings , nice colors and long
feathers then in the clear dark blue sky ,Splat. Yes
splat ,If you are wondering what splat is it was a very
unfortunate event it occurs when yoking liquid and
solid things, like an Irelander would say .But in this
case it was a bird hitting the sky and falling to the
ground .
As the van passed by the road had a
signboard at the side of the road that wrote ' 27 Cliff
road ' then the van stopped at a dead end . There was
a huge big piece of Rock blocking their way .
In the van Flex pressed a button on the dash board of
the car then said ,"We have the package ".
The ground opened up and the van went below the
ground and came up the other side . Their HQ was
hidden, invisible ,not seen to the public .That explains
the bird going splat . The vans arrived on base and
Eliza was in it .
Eliza said ," Are we there yet we have been on the road
for hours ".
Abs said ," Remove the cuffs from his hands and bring
him out of the van ".
Biceps said ,"And the bag ?".
Abs said " No not the bag Hittar's orders ".
"Yes sir " he said
They handcuffed E-rod and then he said ," Finally out
of that smelly van ".
"Time to deliver the package to Hittar ." Flex said .

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