Chapter Thirteen

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At destination

Daniel was walking up the hill towards the signboard
then he saw a van falling into the sea .
"What on earth is going on .",he said
When Daniel got to the top of the hill he took a deep
breath and said ,"Almost there ".
In the distance he saw a boy crying in the dark , on
the road. He walked up the road then he remembered
his dream .
Then he thought ," The boy in the dark ".
As Daniel got closer to Eliza he said ,"Little boy why
are you crying ".
E-Rod goes down to the ground, with one hand on the
ground he uses his leg to kicked Daniel to the ground
then puts Daniel's hand in a police hold .
Daniel said as his face was on the ground ,"hagg , am a
good guy ,good guy ".
Eliza said as he moved Daniel's hand higher to his
shoulder ,"Then what , how who are you "
Eliza slowly moved his arm back words then Daniel
said "My name is Danaah, Daniel Stor and I am a fish
monger in Hedela and I had a dream and a vision of this
place ".
E-Rod left his hand and then said ,"You had a dream
about this place ?".
"Yes and I all so saw you , are you in danger of any sort.
" Daniel said as he could fill his hand once more .
Eliza said " my name is Eliza Rod but I prefer to be
called E-Rod ".
Daniel said ,"Aren't you that super genius kid who is
holding a public meeting at 7:00 right ".
"Yes and I am all alone and some army men are
chasing me for no legal reasons.",Eliza said .
Suddenly they heard loud foot steps coming down the
hill .

The enemy closing

"He could not have gone far look , in the sea the a
van .",a head soldier said .
"He couldn't have gone far ." ,another said .
A big fat soldier said ," Could he be dead "
Another said ,"We don't know let's get down first !".
They matched down and where getting closer to E-Rod
and Daniel.


Eliza and Daniel where standing listening to the foot
steps .
Eliza said as his heart beating increased ,"They are
coming and I don't know what to do ".
Daniel heard a voice that said ,"Put your faith in me ".
Daniel said ," Do you believe in God ".
Eliza said ,"No I don't why ".
Daniel said ," Young man I believe I was sent to help
you ."
He continued ,"You might not believe in God but I can
tell you he is as real as the air we are breathing . I am
not a preacher or anything but I have been threw allot of
crazy thing to get hear and I have put my faith in God
and he has pulled me threw ".
As the men where getting closer Daniel said to Eliza ,
" Eliza or E-Rod ,what ever you prefer me to call you ,can
I ask you to trust me ".
E-Rod said," Yes I don't have any more choices ".
"OK close your eyes and hold my hand .",Daniel said.
Eliza held Daniel's hand as he said ," Heavenly father
hide us please help us please help Eliza and I thank you"


The soldiers matched down the hill then matched past
Eliza and Daniel .
One said ," Where is the kid I swore I just saw him ".
Another said ,"Maybe it was one of them mirages ".
"Ye Maybe I was seeing things ."He said .
Another said as he was getting tired ," Why does Hittar
even need the kid".
The lead soldier said ,"I don't know why but he is our
leader we have to do what ever he says ".


The men passed Eliza and Daniel like they weren't there .
"What just happened , I, You , how ?" Eliza said .
Daniel replied ," That was God's doing he loves you Eliza
and wants you to know him ".
He continued ," I don't know much about you but God
knows all about you , he sent me to help you , one
minute I was just in bed then now am far away up a hill ".
Eliza said ,"Thank you I now see every thing differently,
I was working on a power source for my virtual facts
projector, filled with wrong facts, now I see now that
my parents where right about what they told me about
God ".
He continued ," I spent so much time listening to my
aunts teachings why I was being pushed away from
God , ho I just hate..."
Daniel corrected him ," Don't hate her Eliza she was
teaching you what she believed she did not know any
better , forgive her even though it is hard to OK ".
Eliza cooling down said ," Ok I guess I , would try ".
"How did you get hear any way , you couldn't have
walked all the way hear ?.", E-Rod said .
Daniel said ,"I drove hear but my car broke down ,
speaking of it how do we get out of hear ".
Daniel and Eliza walked back to Daniel's car .
Daniel opened his door then said ," Look emp...ty"
He paused because he tank was full then he jumped
and said ," Thank God . ouch".
His head was still in his car when he jumped . E-Rod
entered Daniel's car then he drove off .

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